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2019-20 Budget Presentation March 13, 2019.

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1 Budget Presentation March 13, 2019

2 Elementary Enrollment
Grade 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 Pre-K 34 27 36 54 Kinder 96 86 79 80 85 First 100 88 Second 93 Third 90 84 Fourth 94 95 Fifth 87 Total 612 564 539 550 551

3 Secondary Enrollment Grade Sixth 84 92 87 80 Seventh 90 79 Eighth 78
15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 Sixth 84 92 87 80 Seventh 90 79 Eighth 78 86 76 Ninth 72 81 Tenth 67 74 Eleventh 85 60 Twelfth 82 75 Total 577 568 540 552 572

4 Superintendent’s Budget
Change Program $17,212,000 (68.3%) $17,699,000 (73.1%) $487,000 (2.8%) Capital $5,752,000 (22.8%) $4,231,000 (17.5%) -$1,521,000 (-26.4%) Admin $2,226,000 (8.8%) $2,280,000 (9.4%) $54,000 (2.4%) Total $25,190,000 $24,210,000 -$980,000 (-3.9%)

5 Capital Component Debt Service Decrease 1,578,000
Salary Increase $26,000 Health Insurance Increase $30,000

6 Capital Outlay Project
Our district has incorporated a state aided $100 K projects to help maintain our facilities; The District’s architect and Building Committee coordinate this work; Our District’s aid ratio is 93%, which means the needed work will cost the District approximately $7,000; This year’s Capital Outlay Project will consist of work on the elementary locker rooms and bathrooms.

7 Administrative Component
Increases: Salaries Increase $30,000 Benefits Increase $40,000 BOCES Decrease $19,000

8 Administrative Budget
Two Administrative Positions Remain Vacant: Assistant Superintendent and Business Official (Saves $250,000); BOCES Facilities Director (Saves $70,000); Combined Athletic Director and Assistant Principal Position (Saves $70,000).

9 Administrative Demands
Annual Professional Performance Review [APPR]; Dignity for All Students Act [DASA]; New NYS ELA and Math Standards and Assessments; Next Generation Math and Science Standards; Required Local Improvement Plans(ESSA).

10 Major Changes Program Component
Major Increases: Health Insurance Increase $200,000 Salary Increases $129,000 New Positions $125,000 (Driver Ed/Mental Health/LTA) Transportation $60,000 Social Security $16,000 Worker Comp $10,000 Teacher’s Retirement Decrease $53,000

11 High School/Middle School Programmatic Highlights
Expand Agriculture, Computer Science and Business Programs ; New Part-time Driver Education Teacher; Continuation of the College Art Program; Expansion of Project-Lead-the-Way with Frankfort-Schuyler; Expansion of VP Tech to Fourth Cohort; Expand Community Use of Facility; Expand District mental Health Program.

12 Elementary School Program Highlights
Continue after school swim instruction; Continue summer programs; Maintain Class size; Maintain Intervention Programs.

13 Special Education Increased Enrollment In High Needs Programs;
Continue Shift to Least Restrictive Environment.

14 Technology Continued Shift to 1-1 Computing;
Begin planning for next SMART Bond Project; Continue the Sequence of BOCES aided multi-year purchases.

15 What options does the Board have?
• Option 1: Propose a budget requiring a tax levy that is at or below the tax levy threshold prescribed by law. Requires a simple majority (50% + 1 voter approval) • Option 2: Propose a budget requiring a tax levy that is above the tax levy threshold prescribed by the law. Requires a “super majority” (60% voter approval) Requires a statement on ballot indicating the required tax levy before exemptions exceeds the Tax Levy Limit.

16 Draft Maximum Levy Calculation
Prior year tax levy $8,845,000 Tax Cap Reserve 0 Tax Base Growth Factor Pilots 2018 $40,000 Tort Exclusions Capital Levy 2018 $690,000 Allowable Levy Growth Factor 1.02 Allowable Carryover Tax Levy Limit 2018 before Exclusions $8,326,118 Tort, TRS and ERS Exclusions Capital Exclusions 2018 $722,000 Tax Levy Limit $9,048,118 (2.30%)

17 State Aid Executive Budget
Foundation Aid $8,308,000 $8,466,000 Building Aid $3,196,000 $1,750,000 Transportation Aid $997,000 $1,050,000 BOCES Aid $1,807,000 $1,910,000 Public High Cost Aid $304, $300,000 Private Excess Cost $123, $120,000 Textbook $89, $91,000 Computer Hardware $22, $21,000 Community School $75, $100,000 Total $14,921, $13,808,000 Incarcerated Youth $15, $15,000 Medicaid $50, $50,000 Total Aid $14,986, $13,873,000

18 Revenue Projection State Aid $13,873,000 Tax Levy $9,045,000 (2.23%)
Other Revenue $642,000 Total Revenue $23,560,000 Budget Gap $650,000 Proposed Budget $24,210,000

19 Tax Levy History Tax Levy Increase since 2012: 2019-20 2.22% 2018-2019
3.94% 1.72% 0.67% 1.9% 2.84% 4.00% 2.00% 10.11%

20 $650,000 Budget Gap Lobby our legislature to increase our foundation aid. Herkimer CSD is owed about $2.3 million in foundation aid; Use fund balance to close the gap; Reduce the expenditure budget; Override the levy limit.

21 Fund balance Use Fund balance use since 2012: 2018-19 $650,000
$250,000 $815,000 $615,000 $800,000

22 Reserves and Fund Balance
06/30/2015 06/30/2016 06/30/2017 06/30/2018 06/30/2019 Fund Balance $144,000 $922,000 $975,000 $1,008,000 $968,000 EBLAR $21,000 $281,000 $320,000 ERS Reserve $114,000 $490,000 $700,000 $701,000 $501,000 Unemployment $80,000 $100,000 $95,000 Tax Cert 40,000 $120,000 $160,000 Insurance $40,000 $20,000 Capital $462,000 $553,000 Debt Service $50,000 $200,000 $324,000 $388,000 $370,000 Repair $280,000 $355,000 Total Reserves $185,000 $911,000 $2,267,000 $2,518,000 $1,921,000

23 Update Important Dates
BOE Finalizes and Approves Budget in April; Budget Hearing - May 8, 6 PM High School Cafeteria; Budget Vote - May 21, 1 PM to 9 PM High School Library Media Center; Budget Revote - June 18, 1 PM to 9 PM High School Library Media Center (If Necessary).

24 Thank You for Supporting Our Schools and Our Kids

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