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Trojan Track 2019 Parent / Athlete Meeting

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1 Trojan Track 2019 Parent / Athlete Meeting
Please sign in on the form on the back table first, and take any of the forms you need: FinalForms information sheet Pay-to-participate envelope Schedule

2 Coaches Girl’s Head Coach: Jim Mydloski (Sprints, Hurdles, High Jump)
Boy’s Head Coach: Justin Heck (Distance) Pole Vault / Long Jump: Bob Wood Throws: Joel Reed Sprints: Mark Scoles

3 Trojan Track Driving Forces
   We will take care of one another. Each athlete has the right to train and compete in a positive and productive environment. We will be fair with one another. There are NO politics involved in Monroe High Track and Field. Varsity spots are awarded based on the following: Ability proven at practice and meets. Attendance The coaching staff reserves the right to make substitutions based on performance, behavior and team need. We will respect one another’s differences. Harassment, hazing and general mistreatment of team members will not be tolerated. We will work hard everyday. Attend all practices and contests. Do your best in all you do.

4 Trojan Track Philosophies
STUDENT Athletes (not ATHLETE – students) Time management Practice Makes Permanent Leadership Trust your team, teammates, and coaches

5 Stay on Track
- MHS athletics webpage: links along the top: Spring Sports, Track - Remind messages GIRLS: to BOYS: to - (schedule and results)

6 Pertinent Information
Trojan Track & Field Required Equipment Lock – We are not responsible for lost or stolen property. Accommodations will not be made for storage of your personal belongings Track bag with the following: Indoor and outdoor workout clothing (for meets, any “under armour” clothing must be solid black, with only 1 small logo) Running Shoes Competition Shoes (if you own a pair, bring them every day) Water Bottle Towel / Yoga Mat Watch

7 Other Pertinent Information
Who goes? All athletes compete at our dual/tri meets. Weekend meets are typically reserved for our varsity athletes. Personal Belongings Do not bring Cell Phones and Personal Electronics to practice. We do not have a secured space for personal belongings indoor or outdoor. All athletes are encouraged to purchase a lock and use the locker room to secure their valuables.

8 Varsity Points GIRLS Lettering in Track
In order to receive your varsity letter you must obtain 10 varsity points.   Points are awarded for the following:  1. Points scored in varsity meets. (These are the only points considered for our MVP Award and will be calculated automatically by coaches and  It is your responsibility to keep track of all other points.  2. Varsity Standards points for any varsity standard achieved. See table (next slide) for qualifying standards.   3. 1 point per meet for each member of varsity line up. 4. 1 point (max. 2 pts) for providing a parent / adult to work at our home meet(s). In order to earn a varsity point in this way, your parents must complete the volunteer form on the table in front.  5. 1 point for every 10 boxes of cookies you sell (max. 2 pt only)  6. Senior = 8 points, Junior = 6 points  7. Loyalty points – 2nd year = 2 points, 3rd year = 4 points 8. Recruitment point – if you “refer a friend” who stays on the team and earns varsity points, you will earn 1 varsity point as well

9 Event VARSITY Regional State Pole Vault 7'6" 9’ 10‘3” Shot Put 26‘6"
Girls Event VARSITY Regional State Pole Vault 7'6" 9’ 10‘3” Shot Put 26‘6" 32’7” 36‘2” High Jump 4'6" 4'10" 5‘2” Long Jump 14‘4” 15'7" 16'9" Discus 78' 98’0” 112‘6" 4x800 No standard No Standard 09:44.00 100m Hurdles 18.49 17.00 15.70 100m 13.85 13.20 12.65 4x200 01:46.60 1600 05:59.99 05:31.00 5:10:00 4x100 50.54 400 01:06.50 01:02.24 59.30 300m Hurdles 53.49 50.30 47.46 800m 02:42.00 02:27.0 02:19.50 200m 29.09 27.40 26.00 3200m 13:05.00 11:55.00 11:13.00 4x400 04:07.50

10 BOYS - Lettering in Track Points are awarded for the following:
In order to receive your varsity letter you must obtain 10 varsity points.  Points are awarded for the following: 1. All points scored in varsity meets. (These are the only points considered for our MVP Award and will be calculated automatically by coaches and   It is your responsibility to keep track of all other points. Points sheet must be returned with uniform / equipment.  2. Varsity Standards - 4 points per varsity standard achieved (4 point max per event) see table for qualifying standards.  3. (Receive 1 point (max. 3 pts) for providing a parent / adult to work at our home meet(s). In order to earn a varsity point in this way, your parents must complete the volunteer form located on the website by April 1st .  4. Receive 2 points for reaching your goal for the team fundraiser (max. 2 pt only) 5. Senior = 5 points, Junior = 4 points, Sophomore = 3 points. 6. 1 point for each of the following: perfect attendance, pay to participate submitted by deadline, parent meeting attendance  7. 4th year = 5 points, 3rd year = 4 points, 2nd Year = 3 points.

11 Boys Event Varsity Regional State Pole Vault 10' 12’ 13’ Shot Put 36'6" 45' 48’6" High Jump 5'6" 5'10" 6'3" Long Jump 18' 19'11" 21'2" Discus 105' 130' 145'3” 4x800 No standard No Standard 8:08 110m Hurdles 17.5 16.02 15.1 100m 11.9 11.5 11.15 4x200 01:30.7 1600 04:59.9 04:38 4:25 4x100 43.7 400 55.9 52.4 50.5 300m Hurdles 45.9 42.3 40.2 800m 02:12.9 02:02.5 01:58.00 200m 24.9 23.4 22.5 3200m 10:49.9 10:00.00 09:36 4x400 03:27.00

12 Other Pertinent Information
Attendance Once an athlete commits to being on the team, they are expected to be at all practices. Absences are considered excused for the following: Illness (with a call, text, or to your position coach prior to 12 noon) mandatory class activity (i.e. Field trip) This does not include group assignments or meetings. (still call/text/ the coach/coaches to let them know)

13 Other Pertinent Information
Team Rules 1. Follow all MHSAA, Monroe Athletic Code and Monroe Student Code Rules, and eligibility requirements. 2. Attend all scheduled practices and team events. Failure to attend team practices or events can result in dismissal from the team. All missed practices are considered unexcused unless: You make prior arrangements with a coach If you are ill and miss school A parent or guardian must contact the head coach or event coach prior to practice to excuse the athlete. Consequences for missing Practices and Team Functions. 1st unexcused absence – no consequence 2nd - 4th unexcused absence – loss of varsity points, possible competition suspension. 5th unexcused absence – dismissal from the team. 

14 Other Pertinent Information
Any action(s) not covered in the Monroe Athletic Code or Monroe Student Code that reflects negatively on our School or team will be handled on a case-by-case basis and could result in being dismissed from the team.

15 Other Pertinent Information
TRAVELING TO ATHLETIC EVENTS : A. Any athlete traveling to an away athletic contest as a member of a team on school owned or approved vehicles, must return to the home school on the vehicle when the contest is over. The only exception is where the athlete's parents have arranged with the athletic department 24 hours in advance to pick up their son/daughter after a contest. B. Occasionally, athletes ride with adults to nearby tournaments or contests. Athletes may only ride with adults who have been approved by the Board of Education on a private transportation form.

16 Other Pertinent Information
Team Pictures TBA – tentatively Tuesday 4/9 before Huron home meet Practice Mon – Friday from 2:30 to 5:00 Spring Break practices no practice Saturday 3/30 - Sun 3/31 Tue 4/2 – Thu 4/4 = 10:00 – noon no practice Friday 4/5 – Sun 4/7 Friday 4/19 = no school, varsity only practice

17 Other “Stuff” Parent volunteers
Form at the front if you would be willing to help us out at either of our 3 home meets: Tue Apr 9, Tue April 23, Friday May 10 Team Store TBA

18 Handouts Please complete the FinalForms website information by Friday 3/15 Pay-to-Participate envelope Checks made out to: Monroe High School or Monroe Public Schools Thank you!!!

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