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Vocabulary: WEEK TWO Quiz Friday!!.

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1 Vocabulary: WEEK TWO Quiz Friday!!

2 1. Jubilant (ADJ.) Joyful and proud, especially because of triumph or success Example: Simone Biles was jubilant after she won her fourth gold medal.

3 2. Menacing (ADJ.) Threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments Example: As it began, a dark, menacing cloud transformed a sunny evening into a nightmarish scene.

4 3. Millinery (noun) Shop selling women’s hats
Example: Hats still exist and the millinery industry is undergoing a resurgence – at least in terms of variety.

5 4. Murmur (noun/Verb) A low continuous indistinct sound; speak softly or indistinctly Example: One fan’s voice could be heard over the crowd’s murmuring.

6 5. Oblivious (ADJ.) Failing to keep in mind; lacking conscious awareness of Example: Most texting accidents occur in three seconds – with a driver oblivious to the roadway.

7 6. Onslaught (noun) A sudden and severe onset of something (usually trouble) Example: Police said Wednesday that the onslaught left more than 200 people injured or dead.

8 7. pillage (Verb/Noun) Steal goods; take spoils; goods or money obtained illegally Example: He believes Vikings pillaged English horses and sailed to Iceland with them.

9 8. Plummet (verb) Drop sharply
Example: Truck orders plummeted last fall and have held at low levels throughout 2016.

10 9. Tentative (ADJ.) Unsettled in mind or opinion
Example: I have a meeting tentatively set for tomorrow.

11 10. Trifling (noun/ADJ.) Not worth considering; deliberate act of delaying instead of working Example: Losing a library book is no trifling matter.

12 11. Vindictive (ADJ.) Seeking revenge; showing the desire to hurt
Example: You cannot make him a saint; he was vindictive and a bully.

13 12. Wretched (ADJ.) Deserving or inciting pity; full of misery
Example: Back to those wretched s which are giving me so much grief.

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