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He was an Ancient Greek Poet Believed to have been blind.

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Presentation on theme: "He was an Ancient Greek Poet Believed to have been blind."— Presentation transcript:

1 He was an Ancient Greek Poet Believed to have been blind.
Who was Homer? He was an Ancient Greek Poet Believed to have been blind.

2 Long ago in Ancient Greece there were traveling musicians called Bards.

3 People would often pay these traveling Bards to sing their stories which told of the distant past. These long stories were in the form of a poems and were called Epics.

4 Homer wrote two famous epic stories which are still read even today
Homer wrote two famous epic stories which are still read even today. One is called the Iliad and the other is called the Odyssey

5 The stories in the Iliad describe the Trojan War
The stories in the Iliad describe the Trojan War. A conflict between the Greeks and the city of Troy.

6 The story of the Odyssey is about the character Odysseus’s travels home from the war.

7 Some Important Names Homer- The name of the blind Greek
poet who wrote the stories down. Odysseus – The king from Ithaca who is the main character of the stories.

8 Helen – The beautiful daughter of Zeus
Helen – The beautiful daughter of Zeus. She was the wife of the Spartan king who was kidnaped and taken to Troy.

9 Paris – The Trojan prince who kidnapped Helen and started the war with the Greeks.
Achilles – The Spartan soldier- best warrior of his time.

10 Some Important Names The Illiad – is the first book, it is the story of the Trojan War. The Odyssey – is the name of the second book, the stories of Odysseus's travels home Penelope- is the name of Odysseus’s wife. He is trying to get back to her and their son.

11 Odysseus says goodbye to his wife Penelope

12 Odysseus Leaves Ithaca

13 He leaves his home in Ithaca to go to battle in Troy

14 The Story of the Trojan Horse


16 Calypso

17 Calypso’s cave - Gozo

18 Questions What was the name of the blind poet who wrote these stories?
Who was the main character? Who was Helen? What is the name of the famous soldier who was the best warrior of all the Spartan Warriors? Who stole Helen and caused the war?

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