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Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership Adrian Trevett Economic Development Manager Borough of Poole.

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Presentation on theme: "Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership Adrian Trevett Economic Development Manager Borough of Poole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership Adrian Trevett Economic Development Manager Borough of Poole

2 Dorset LEP Background With the change of government last year and the demise of the Regional Development Agencies, government asked local government and businesses to create Local Enterprise Partnerships to deliver local economic growth and job creation. Dorset LEP prospectus was approved (at the second attempt) on 7 th July 2011. see hip hip 38 LEPs in total, Dorset LEP was the 36 th to be approved

3 Dorset LEP Objectives To improve the performance of existing businesses within Dorset, and to encourage the growth of new ones, e.g. business support and through inward investment To enhance the skills of our current and future workforce e.g. Employment and Skills Board To improve electronic and physical connectivity, particularly through high speed broadband coverage e.g. road, rail and broadband To create the conditions for enterprise, with an initial focus on establishing a coherent framework for spatial planning e.g. make things simple and quicker

4 LEP Progress Start Up Fund – £177,500 BIS plus matched funding – Work streams: Board, business plan, legal structure, communications strategy, web site, Dorset proposition, inter LEP working Board Recruitment – Board to be 15 in total and made up of 9 from private sector (one to be chair), 4 local authorities, 1 from universities and 1 from colleges – Interviews have taken place for the private sector and nominations from the others have been received. – First Board meeting to be in late Nov / early Dec

5 LEP Progress Business Plan – Terms of reference have been defined for the LEP Board to consider in the first meeting. – Members of the Board will have the opportunity to shape the LEP agenda (what is it going to do?) Legal Structure – Thinking about what type of company the LEP should be is difficult as central government views on funding / policy are fluid. Could be a loose partnership versus a £100m+ turnover conglomerate!

6 LEP Progress Communications Strategy – The LEP will need to consider how it communicates with the whole of the Dorset business community e.g. 30,000 businesses ranging from sole traders to international conglomerates. – Communications will be one of the first items of the first LEP Board meeting. Web Site – The LEP will need to effectively deliver the communications strategy of which one key element will be a new website and branding.

7 LEP Progress Dorset Proposition – This work will look at the capabilities of Dorset as a whole and put together a proposition that could be used for attracting new organisations in to the area. – People outside Dorset do not understand that we have; an international airport, 3 ports, many excellent local companies who excel in their sectors. Inter LEP Working – Whilst it is right to focus primarily on Dorset at this early stage, there are many opportunities for us to discuss with our local LEP neighbours. Some examples include; marine, advanced engineering and transport infrastructure.

8 LEP Next Steps There will be a press announcement coming out soon highlighting the first Board meeting date, who the Board members are and details of how you can engage. In the mean time if you would like to know more or get more involved then please drop me a line or call me as we will need help.

9 Finally Questions? Telephone: 01202 633032 Grant for Business Investment Manufacturing Advisory Service

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