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Presentation on the Annual Report and POA

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1 Presentation on the Annual Report and POA
Department of Education

2 Structure of the Presentation
Annual report Achievements Challenges Expenditure Plan of Action for 2002 Government and DoE Priorities Priority Projects

3 Achievements Programme 1: HIV/AIDS Focus: Achievements
Awareness, information and advocacy HIV/AIDS in school curriculum Planning for the impact of HIV/AIDS in the education system Achievements An accessible version of the policy developed 1 million copies distributed in all official languages HIV/AIDS inserted in school curriculum through life skills HIV/AIDS impact assessment study on education sector conducted

4 Achievements cont Programme 2: School effectiveness and educator professionalism Focus Improve teaching and learning in schools Achievements Strengthening of SGBs and management Reduction in vacant posts Upgrading of unqualified educators 1305 Maths and Science teachers trained Programme focusing on farm and rural schools initiated Booklets on Safe Schools and alternatives to corporal punishment distributed as part of School Safety initiatives

5 Achievements cont. Programme 3: Fight against illiteracy Focus
Setting up of SANLI Mobilisation of volunteers Setting up local literacy units Establishing a learner data base Development of training programmes Achievements Setting up SANLI and launch of Masifunde Sonke campaign

6 Achievements cont. Programme 4: FET and HE Focus Achievements
Restructuring of the FET and the HE systems Capacity Building Quality enhancement Private education institutions Achievements 9% improvement in the Senior Certificate results Transformation Framework for FET adopted Review of curriculum in FET Release of National Plan for HE Increased admission of large numbers through NSFAS

7 Achievements cont Programme 5: Organizational effectiveness of national and provincial systems Focus Make provincial systems work by making co-operative governance: Integrated planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Organisational Restructuring and system development and co-ordination Achievements Active assistance provided to provinces by national Integration of provincial/national programmes facilitated through CEM and HEDCOM Delivery of LSM and increase in budget to R920.2 mil Enhanced liaison with provincial departments and the public also enhanced Indicators for periodic monitoring agreed upon

8 Other achievements Educator:learner ratio reduced to 1:34
Decreasing the number of schools without proper access to facilities like water and sanitation, telephones etc establishing a Values in education Initiative Increased learner enrolment in schools Significant improvement towards achieving equity in the schooling system through The national Norms and Standards for School Funding

9 Challenges Capacity Policy and Legislation Equity Quality
Project Management Human Resources (National, Province and HE) Policy and Legislation Equity Quality Co-operative Governance

10 Expenditure

11 Plan of Action 2002/2004 Context of Development of Plans
Government Priorities State of the Nation Address Cabinet Lekgotla and Cluster Priorities HRD strategy DoE priorities Tirisano

12 Government Priorities
Overriding Theme: Eradication of poverty and prioritising the poor No children under trees ISRDP and Urban Renewal ICT HE HIV/AIDS Development of Human resources (Literacy, ECD and Further Education and Training)

13 DoE priorities Tirisano HIV/AIDS
School effectiveness and educator professionalism Fight against illiteracy FET and HE Organisation effectiveness of national and provincial institutions

14 Specific Programmes Physical planning and School Infrastructure FET HE
Curriculum 2005 School Effectiveness Literacy Teacher development Legislation

15 Physical Planning and School Infrastructure
To Ensure that there are no children learning under trees, in open spaces or in unacceptable structures Database on location of these schools Prioritisation of the schools for infrastructure provision Setting of performance targets for provinces by Minister Monitoring of progress and reporting to President

16 Physical Planning cont
Pilot and implement the development of 27 multi-functional schools in poverty stricken rural areas To accelerate the delivery of water and sanitation to schools without these services and upgrade and repair inadequate and/or broken systems

17 Further Education and Training
To build an effective, responsive and efficient FET system that enhances the life-chances of all SA Continued improvement of senior certificate results Targeted interventions for priority areas 102 schools for MST project 1020 students register for math and science in HG ICT implementation plan accepted and implemented Piloting a 0860 dial-up facility for schools Connectivity to 42 MST schools Connectivity to 100 primary schools for administration

18 FET cont. Registration of private colleges
Assistance given to National Forum for Learning Improvement Registration of private colleges Mergers and declaration procedures finalised 5% learner intake through RPL at all FET Colleges

19 Higher Education Implementation of the National Plan for Higher Education Registration of private higher education institutions Improvement of annual reporting by HE institutions Review of the efficiency of the NSFAS Management of overseas scholarship opportunities

20 Curriculum 2005 Declaration of National Curriculum statements as policy First phase of overarching framework implementation plan by 2003 Improvements the quality and supply of learning support materials (LSM) Support the implementation of the Language in Education policy

21 ECD 4 500 ECD sites registered for subsidy 25 providers accredited
150 District officials trained and registered with SACE 4 500 kits delivered for sites NCS for Grade R

22 HIV/ AIDS Improving the life skills Education programmes
500 Master Trainers to be trained 500 Lay counselors to be trained Life skills materials developed 5 600 secondary teachers trained in sexuality education 100 officials trained to manage HIV/AIDS Materials for the visually impaired learners developed Home /Community based care Appraisal of home-based care projects and expansion of home-based care sites

23 HIV/AIDS cont Training of care givers
Strengthening of programmes for SGBs and parents Encourage VCT for teachers and adult students Develop materials for teachers on dealing with HIV/AIDS in schools

24 School effectiveness Assisting schools in nodal areas to develop school safety plans 1350 Math and Science teachers from intermediate and senior phase targeted for upgrading towards an ACE/NPDE qualification Providing training for all SMTs on co-operative discipline in schools Assisting provinces in filling all vacant principal positions Mobilise communities to volunteer 1250 schools, previously without resources are provided with resources

25 School Effectiveness cont
2 074 district officials, School Management Teams and grades 5 and 9 teachers in nodal areas trained on curriculum Setting up of a toll free number for public to report incidents of child abuse Drive to hold system accountable to use instruments available to deal with child abuse

26 Literacy Increase mobilisation of volunteers for the drive to reduce illiteracy To develop training and support programmes for volunteer education Increase the participation of learners and civil society in the delivery of programmes Implement the ABET Act

27 Teacher Development Develop a policy framework for educator development and support Develop a five year implementation plan to support the policy

28 Legislation Implications of the decisions on Court Cases
New legislation

29 Conclusion Report indicated significant progress
Lessons dawn from challenges have informed new plans

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