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A Proven, Permanent Solution To Homelessness

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1 A Proven, Permanent Solution To Homelessness

2 What We Do VSH currently operates the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program which provides RRH (housing assistance and/or case management) services in the following geographical areas in Virginia: Richmond City, Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover, Goochland, Powhatan, Charles City, New Kent, Petersburg, Hopewell, Dinwiddie, Colonial Heights, Surry, Sussex, Emporia, Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Nelson, Greene, and Louisa * Case managers work one on one with each Veteran family to ensure they are receiving and connected to those resources and supports that promote long-term housing stability. * Supportive services are individually based on each participant's unique needs to ensure their success with obtaining and/or maintaining housing. * The SSVF team has extensive knowledge of community resources, positive working partnerships with key community agencies, and conduct ongoing research to maintain up to date resource and contact lists to ensure effective collaboration and low barrier access to needed resources in the community.

3 Keeping it REAL What RRH Doesn’t Do
Everyone will not be placed in housing that is below 50% of their monthly income Work for everyone (doesn’t mean you don’t try) End Poverty Keeping it REAL

4 SCOPE OF SERVICES Our SSVF Team provides housing assistance, connection to VA services, income and/or benefits, and connection to mainstream long term resources in order to obtain and maintain housing stability. This is done by utilizing the individual clients resources (cost sharing), community resources, community case conferencing, landlord engagement, connecting to long term supports and in some cases financial assistance. As community needs change staffing roles change. Case Managers < Housing Case Managers – Hybrid position Housing Specialist < Housing Navigator – functions as a specialist in the field of housing the highest barrier homeless individuals. With an expertise in working with the chronically homeless population in obtaining and maintaining housing. Strength in developing landlord relations and assess clients to match with the appropriate housing placement based on their needs. Employment Specialist < Income Supports – works to increase household income (SOAR, VA Benefits, employment) as well as understanding income thresholds to maximize income by utilizing multiple income sources

5 Role of RRH in the Coordinated Entry Process
* Actively participate in your local CoC. * Connect and build a relationship with your lead agency and other community partners * Be at the table (we have 3 tables) CoCs Served VA500 Richmond/Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover Counties; VA504 Charlottesville; VA521 Virginia Balance of State Within each CoC is a coordinated assessment team (outreach, case managers, housing specialist, shelter providers, both RRH/PSH providers) that review the by-name list to ensure those that are experiencing homelessness are connected to a provider and housing intervention based on VI-SPDAT tool, length of homelessness, shelter vs unsheltered, and available community resources. *self-resolve*

6 Outflow Data

7 Common Barriers to Housing
Landlord Outreach Successful Landlord Relationships Think Like A Sales Person (outside the box) Landlord Benefits Honesty Target “small” Landlords Local Landlord Associations/Advisory Group Positive Reputation Strategic about Placements Flexible Funding (money used to clear up old debt or pay for damages) Community Collaboration (landlord events) Common Barriers to Housing Criminal Histories (sex offenders), credit issues or no credit, little or no income, previous evictions/rental judgments, unpaid utility bills, not knowing where to look or knowing what’s available, and having verifiable (ID & SS Card)

8 How Do We Do It? Develop relationships with landlords in the community
Individualize your landlord approach All staff have a role in housing Collaborate with community partners regarding housing interventions and barriers Money is no longer the incentive it is “YOU & the CLIENT” Believe, Believe, Believe, in your success and the client’s success 8

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