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The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of ASTEF
What is ASTEF? The Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation established in 2010 to support and enhance charitable activities of the Texas State Organization (TSO) of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
Why ASTEF? Our Mission Statement provides the answer
The mission of Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation is: to provide funding for activities that support professional and personal growth of women educators in Texas, and to promote educational excellence for Texas students.
WHO does the Foundation Support?
ASTEF supports ALL MEMBERS of the Texas State Organization (TSO) of Delta Kappa Gamma. Members of TSO are automatically members of the Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation (ASTEF).
HOW are members supported? By way of the Three Major Areas
ASTEF, a non-profit organization, is a partner and fundraiser for the Texas State Organization, building and disbursing funds to enhance the work of DKG in Texas in these three Major Areas: SCHOLARSHIPS LEADERSHIP PROJECTS
How does ASTEF support SCHOLARSHIPS?
Scholarships are given to TSO Members wishing to earn advanced degrees or certifications, attend specialty training, or life-long learning opportunities. Applications and guidelines are on the TSO website and a link is provided on the ASTEF Website under Forms. Deadline: March 1 ASTEF awards Aspiring Educator Grants to prospective women educators for the completion of a teaching degree or Texas certification. Applicants are sponsored by TSO members. Guidelines and application forms are available on the ASTEF website. Deadline: March 1
How does ASTEF support LEADERSHIP?
ASTEF FUNDS leadership training through Leadership Seminars and through sponsoring special speakers at TSO events. Leadership training also includes the Leadership Seminar held in odd number years whereby 30 members are competitively selected from across the state. The next Leadership Seminar will be held in February of 2021, but it is not too early to consider applying or encourage someone else to apply. Applications will be on the TSO website and a link will be provided on the ASTEF website. *Information is found on the ASTEF website under Activities.
How does ASTEF support PROJECTS?
The Projects fund provides stipends for chapter projects, area projects, or individual members that support educational endeavors benefiting Texas students and educators. Application and guidelines are on the ASTEF website. Generally the forms are posted in October and are due April 1 to the Vice President of Projects and Programs.
Project Stipends: In 2012, the first Project Stipends were awarded in the amount of $1,000. Now fast forward to 2018, $38,030 was awarded at the ASTEF Annual Meeting to 22 deserving chapters. The current ASTEF budget has plans to award up to $40,000 to deserving projects. Start planning now to submit an application!
HOW are funds generated?
The foundation is able to support Scholarships, Leadership, and Projects through generous donations made to the Foundation. Donations from individuals, groups, businesses and corporations are welcome. All gifts to ASTEF are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Fundraising Opportunities:
ASTEF conducts fundraising events for TSO members, their families and friends, businesses, and corporations throughout the year. TSO Convention Fundraisers have included: Raffle Baskets Ticketed Events Silent Auction Items for sale Chapter Recognition: April 1 Deadline – Use FORM on ASTEF website Scholarship Categories- Honors $1, Double $2, Triple $3-- per member Leadership Categories- Journeyers $1 and Trailblazers $2-- per member Projects Categories – Groundbreakers $1 and Builders $2 –- per member
Annual Events: ASTEF Travelers – Giving Month –
February has been proclaimed ASTEF Giving Month. Members are encouraged to make a tax-deductible contribution during this month. ASTEF Travelers – Past ASTEF Travel trips have included 2 cruises, 3 Road Scholars, and 3 Weekenders. The first Weekender was held in October, 2016 in Galveston, the second Weekender was in September, 2018 in Fredericksburg, and a third weekender was in April, to Bryan/College Station. A small portion of the trip fee is dedicated to ASTEF.
Corporate Fundraisers include:
Kroger/Ralph’s Community Rewards Program which began in 2017. Randall’s/Tom Thumb Reward Program which began in 2018. See WEBSITE for DETAILS– Under the Events tab! Other fundraisers include: Kendra Scott Pop-Up Store held during TSO state conventions. Talbot’s Shopping Event held at a Ft. Worth location.
Other Ideas: Consider a donation “in Honor of” an associate, friend, or relative to tell them how much they mean to you. Donations can also be made “in Memory of” a special friend, relative, colleague, etc. “Celebrate by giving” - Give to the Foundation to honor your friends, your mentors, your chapter, yourself.
Keep in Mind: A gift to ASTEF is a gift that keeps on giving. Gifts to ASTEF are used to support Scholarships, Leadership, and Projects that impact Texas educators and students.
WHO Manages the Operations of the Foundation?
ASTEF is managed by a Board of Directors elected by ASTEF members. Elections are held every two years at the required annual meeting assembled during the annual Texas State Organization (TSO) Convention. Applications for Director positions are found on the ASTEF website during the second year of the biennium. Directors serve a 6 year term. The board consists of both elected Directors and Ex-Officio Members: TSO President, TSO Treasurer, TSO Scholarship Chair, and TSO Leadership Seminar Chair.
Check-Out the Website!
RESOURCE PAGE: Sample Chapter Programs Sample Area Messages Graphics for use in newsletters, websites, etc. Archived materials for your use Foundation Focus tab has many wonderful ideas to support chapters/members. Under Purposes and then Projects and Grants: View the ASTEF Aspiring Educator video that was debuted at the Houston Convention Register to receive information about ASTEF ! Complete the form on the Resource Page or we can provide a group form for chapters or larger groups by contacting
Members are encouraged to contact any ASTEF Board Director with questions, suggestions, or concerns.
The Alpha State Texas Educational Foundation is young and continually evolving. Let us all join together as we continue to learn and grow.
Above All…Remember! ASTEF IS “OUR” FOUNDATION!
Important Information:
ASTEF Address: P.O. Box Dallas, TX (Mailing Address) 6220 Campbell Road, Suite Dallas, TX (Physical Address) Phone Number: Website: ASTEF ~ “Impacting Education by Impacting Educators.”
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