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Measuring, reporting and communicating quality of National Accounts statistics (ESA 2010) in an integrated way with data production Christos LIOURIS,

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring, reporting and communicating quality of National Accounts statistics (ESA 2010) in an integrated way with data production Christos LIOURIS,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring, reporting and communicating quality of National Accounts statistics (ESA 2010) in an integrated way with data production Christos LIOURIS, Sebastian Reinecke, Christine Gerstberger, Pille Defense, Justyna Gniadzik, Ani Todorova, Luca Gramaglia, Daniel Suranyi 29/06/2018 16

2 Outline Legislative framework for quality reporting
Structure and indicators of the quality report Automation of data production Implementation and examples from 2017 exercise Challenges for future work

3 Legislative framework for quality reporting
Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the European system of accounts 2010 (ESA 2010) lays down that the quality of data transmitted under the ESA Transmission Programme shall be regularly assessed. The modalities, structure, periodicity and indicators of the quality report are defined in the Commission Implementing Regulation No 2304/2016

4 Structure and indicators of quality reports
Assessment indicators are divided into: quantitative indicators pre-filled by Eurostat completeness rates, punctuality and delivery dates, revision rates as well as coherence between variables within and between tables qualitative indicators filled in by Member States data revision policy, documentation on methodology, length of comparable time series over time.

5 Implementation process
Indicators are implemented gradually in 2017, and in 2020 when the derogations on ESA 2010 data transmissions expire Each year mid-February, Eurostat makes available in SIMS/ESQRS draft national quality reports for Member States By end of May, Member States complete their national quality reports and provide comments on the information provided by Eurostat Finalised national quality reports are used as input for overall assessment prepared by Eurostat.

6 Automation of data production
Three implementation challenges: Compute the indicators from the existing information Integrate the indicators into the standard ESQRS structure and implement in the ESS Metadata Handler Ensure that the qualitative indicators could be automatically extracted from production database and integrated into the quality reports without manual intervention. These challenges were met by using the SDMX standard as an enabler for the exchange of information across the different systems involved.

7 Automation of data production

8 Implementation and examples from 2017 exercise
Data availability Blue – full data delivery; green – almost complete data delivery; yellow – some shortcomings concerning important indicators; red – major shortcomings or no data delivery

9 Examples from 2017 exercise

10 Examples from 2017 exercise

11 Challenges for future work
Extend the scope of the quality reporting and assessment mostly with indicators on revisions and coherence of ESA 2010 data By 2020, create a consolidation environment for all ESA 2010 data and allow that the quality indicators are computed in it in order to improve the efficiency of the process Explore a possible linking of ESA 2010 metadata and the national quality reports in mid-term A better solution for the integration of data tables within SDMX metadata sets to resolve the current performance issues.

12 Christos LIOURIS,
Measuring, reporting and communicating quality of National Accounts statistics (ESA 2010) in an integrated way with data production Thank you for your attention! Christos LIOURIS,

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