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America Comes of Age (1890-1920) Lesson 4 Reformers in the White House.

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1 America Comes of Age (1890-1920)
Lesson 4 Reformers in the White House

2 America Comes of Age (1890-1920) Lesson 4 Reformers in the White House
Learning Objectives Analyze how Theodore Roosevelt influenced the changing relationship between the federal government and private business. Explain the impact of Roosevelt's actions towards managing the environment. Compare and contrast Roosevelt's policies with Taft's and Wilson's policies. Describe Wilson's efforts to regulate the economy. Assess the legacy of the Progressive Era.

3 America Comes of Age (1890-1920) Lesson 4 Reformers in the White House
Key Terms Theodore Roosevelt Square Deal Hepburn Act Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act John Muir Gifford Pinchot National Reclamation Act New Nationalism Progressive Party Woodrow Wilson New Freedom Sixteenth Amendment monetary policy Federal Reserve Act Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Clayton Antitrust Act

4 Roosevelt Changes the Relationship Between Government and Business
In the late 1800s, the United States had several weak and ineffective Presidents. The arrival of Theodore Roosevelt, a charismatic figure who embraced Progressive ideals, ushered in a new era. Roosevelt pushed for many Progressive reforms and expanded the powers of the presidency. He changed the way Americans viewed the roles of the President and the government.

5 Roosevelt Changes the Relationship Between Government and Business
Roosevelt’s Path to the Presidency Intervening Between Owners and Workers The ICC Takes on the Railroads A Trustbuster Enforces Legislation Regulating the Food and Drug Industries

6 Roosevelt Changes the Relationship Between Government and Business
President Theodore Roosevelt dedicated his considerable energy and abilities to achieving Progressive reforms.

7 Roosevelt Changes the Relationship Between Government and Business
Analyze Charts Which of these acts do you believe was the most important? Why?

8 Managing the Environment
Roosevelt’s deep reverence for nature also shaped his policies. The books he published on hunting and the rugged West reflected his fascination with the competition between humans and the wilderness. He was pleased that the federal government had established Yellowstone National Park in 1872 to protect wildlife, and he admired California naturalist John Muir, whose efforts had led Congress to create Yosemite National Park in 1890.

9 Managing the Environment
Conservation or Preservation? Changes in Population Affect Water Policy

10 Managing the Environment
President Roosevelt met with John Muir in Yosemite National Park, California, in Contrast How did Roosevelt’s views on preserving wilderness areas differ from Muir’s?

11 Managing the Environment
Analyze Maps Based on the information in the map, when were the majority of national parks established? What region of the country holds the largest parks?

12 A New Direction In Presidential Politics
Roosevelt left the presidency after two terms in office, saying he wished to enjoy private life. He was still a powerful force in the Republican Party, however, and he used that power to help his Secretary of War William Howard Taft win the presidency in Roosevelt expected Taft to continue his programs of managing business and natural resources. Political cartoonists made caricatures of Roosevelt handing over what he called “my policies” to Taft, who seemed to have no ideas of his own.

13 A New Direction In Presidential Politics
Taft's Agenda Differs Roosevelt's Response Wilson Takes Advantage of Republican Discord

14 A New Direction In Presidential Politics
Analyze Political Cartoons What clues in this cartoon reveal what type of policies the author believes Taft will enact as president?

15 A New Direction In Presidential Politics
Analyze Information How did Taft’s and Roosevelt’s views on government and politics differ?

16 A New Direction In Presidential Politics
Analyze Maps What evidence shown on the map supports the conclusion that divisions within the Republican party made the Democrats more likely to win the 1912 election?

17 Wilson Endorses Further Regulation
Republicans Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft introduced the country to forceful Progressive Presidents. Democrat Woodrow Wilson used the expanded power of the presidency to promote a far-reaching reform agenda. Some of Wilson’s economic and antitrust measures are still important in American life today.

18 Wilson Endorses Further Regulation
A New Tax on Income Regulation of Commercial Banks Wilson and Congress Strengthen Antitrust Regulation Workers Gain Rights

19 Wilson Endorses Further Regulation
President Wilson used the expanded powers of the presidency established during Roosevelt’s and Taft’s terms to further regulate industry.

20 Wilson Endorses Further Regulation
Analyze Charts Which part of the Federal Reserve System determines the reserve requirements for member banks?

21 Wilson Endorses Further Regulation
Analyze Information How did comprehensive zoning both protect and possibly violate property rights?

22 The Progressives' Legacy
The political reforms of the Progressives had a lasting effect on the American political system. The initiative, referendum, and recall and the Seventeenth and Nineteenth amendments expanded voters’ influence. Progressive reforms also paved the way for future trends. Starting in this period, the federal government grew to offer more protection to Americans, but at the same time gaining more control over people’s lives.

23 The Progressives' Legacy
Analyze Charts Why do you think that so many constitutional amendments were passed during the Progressive Era?

24 Quiz: Roosevelt Changes the Relationship Between Government and Business
How did President Theodore Roosevelt earn a reputation as a trustbuster? A. Many Americans considered him to be untrustworthy. B. He worked to eliminate corruption in big business. C. He sought to destroy big businesses by making them illegal. D. Many Americans thought his reforms were unconstitutional.

25 Quiz: Managing the Environment
How did scarce water cause problems in the Southwest? A. People fought over rights to scarce supplies of water. B. Everyone benefited from the value of water in the region. C. It gave everyone a private share of the region’s natural resources. D. It influenced the federal government to outlaw private land ownership.

26 Quiz: A New Direction In Presidential Politics
How did the split in the Republican Party influence American politics? A. It helped the Democratic Party win the following election. B. It influenced Progressives to support the Republican Party. C. It eliminated the New Freedom ideas from government legislation. D. It negatively impacted Woodrow Wilson’s campaign for office.

27 Quiz: Wilson Endorses Further Regulation
What did President Wilson refer to as the 'triple wall of privilege'? A. race, gender, and class B. tariffs, banks, and trusts C. saving accounts, stocks, and bonds D. the Elkins Act, the Hepburn Act, and the Federal Reserve Act

28 Quiz: The Progressives' Legacy
Which statement is not a legacy of the Progressive Era? A. It expanded the role of the federal government. B. It expanded voter's influence. C. It eliminated unfair employment practices. D. It provided protection for consumers

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