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IndianaMap Data Partners: Round Table Discussion

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1 IndianaMap Data Partners: Round Table Discussion
Phil Worrall, Executive Director Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC) RECENT INITIATIVES

2 2

3 Data Sharing Initiative Status
5,039 Jurisdictional Boundaries 584,953 Street Centerlines Segments 2,639,597 Point Addresses 3,058,314 Land Parcels 3

4 IndianaMap Enhanced County Data Sharing Initiative (Pilot)
(Adding Value to the existing County Data Sharing Initiative) Adding attributes to harvested centerline, point address, and parcel layers to support statewide geoprocessing, geocoding and routing applications [INDOT, NG9-1-1, ISP, US Census & more] Quality Reporting of harvested data back to the Counties [with attribute additions and changes] . Delivering data in Esri’s FREE Local Government Data Model Creating seamless statewide datasets matching at the new GIS County Boundary Layer .

5 Adminisrative Boundaries
GU Parcels TaxParcel DLGF TaxParcel Points Parcel Land Building Owner Parcels Improve Dwelling

6 Developing a new County Data Sharing Agreement template to…
Include [enhanced attributes] Options to share other local GIS layers IndianaMap Fundraising Efforts Grants [IPLS Foundation $15,000] IGIC and other IndianaMap partners Donations from power users

7 Preserving and Archiving Indiana’s Historic Geospatial Data
Historic Sanborn Map Preservation (Wayne County IndianaView Pilot & Template) INDOT Historic Aerial Photography Preservation Efforts Land Survey Records Digitization Project (Indiana State Archives, SHRAB, ISPLS & IGIC)

8 Historic Sanborn Map Preservation
 Wayne County - IndianaView Pilot & Template

9 INDOT Historic Aerial Photography Preservation Efforts
INDOT Historic Film Archives of Project & County Aerial Photography. Photogrammetric Workflow: Scanning Aerial Triangulation Orthorectification Producing Georeferenced Digital Imagery files and county mosaics. IndianaMap / ISDP image services

10 Land Survey Records Digitization Project
Received State Historical Records Advisory Board $10,000 grant IGIC sponsored with in-kind services $5,000 (plus) State Archives will receive $5,000 State Archives will be scanning and naming files (1st priority) Original PLSS survey notes (10 boxes) Clark County Land Grant land records book Township Boundary Book Digital Archives will.. Preserve historic documents at State Archives Digital documents georeferenced to IndianaMap

11 Land Survey Records Digitization Project

12 Land Survey Records Digitization Project

13 IndianaMap & and ArcGIS Open Data initiatives

14 The IndianaMAP OpenTopography Server   Hydrologic Terrain Analysis Products (TauDEM):

15 Q&A TIME (Questions to start the conversation… )
What are your issues? - more frequent updates, more layers, more attribution, more formats, more options, etc…

16 Notes:

17 Notes:

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