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SCI 340 L51 Light and color not really in your book

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1 SCI 340 L51 Light and color not really in your book
This lecture takes lots of demonstration apparatus: Transmission overhead projector with Diffraction grating after focusing lens Slit mask Square mask CMY filters RGB filters RGB filter wheels Vertical-slit lamp and variac Class set of diffraction gratings R, G, B projectors not really in your book

2 Today’s Objectives Explain how the human eye identifies colors.
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Today’s Objectives Explain how the human eye identifies colors. Explain how colors are produced by absorption, dispersion, and scattering.

3 Electromagnetic Wave Energy
General Physics L19_EMwaves Electromagnetic Wave Energy Non-classical result: E = hf E = energy f = frequency h = Planck constant =  J s

4 General Physics L19_EMwaves

5 Temp Influences Spectrum
General Physics L19_EMwaves Temp Influences Spectrum Higher T  greater power P/A = sT4 s = 5.6710–8 W m–2 K–4 Higher T  higher peak frequency lmax = b/T b = 106 nm K Demonstrate Vertical slit with variac, students each have diffraction grating. Show that light is dimmer and redder at lower temperatures. Source: M. A. Seeds, Exploring the Universe

6 SCI 340 L51 Light and color Group Work Why do cooler objects emit a greater fraction of their energy at long wavelengths (low frequencies)?

7 How Human Color Vision Works
SCI 340 L51 Light and color How Human Color Vision Works 424 530 560 Demonstrate R, G, B slide projectors. Secondary colors formed from primaries, white from combination of all three. Source: Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena

8 SCI 340 L51 Light and color Poll Question What color do we see when green and red receptors are stimulated equally? A. Cyan. B. Blue. C. Yellow. D. Magenta.

9 SCI 340 L51 Light and color Poll Question What color do we see when blue and red receptors are stimulated equally? A. Cyan. B. Blue. C. Yellow. D. Magenta.

10 Bird and Reptile Color Vision
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Bird and Reptile Color Vision Source: Scientific American, July 2006

11 Reflection and Transmission
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Reflection and Transmission Demonstrate Color filters R, G, B, C, M, Y with overhead projector slit and diffraction grating. Filters Remove colors from light. Subtractive primary colors C, M Y with square mask and no diffraction grating on the projector. Combinations create additive primary colors and black. (and absorption)

12 SCI 340 L51 Light and color Poll Question Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light. What color does it appear? A. red B. yellow C. green D. violet

13 SCI 340 L51 Light and color Poll Question In color printing, which two color inks are combined to make the color orange? Cyan and Magenta. Cyan and Yellow. Yellow and Magenta. Demonstrate with CMY color wheel. Removing the C wheel still leaves a position of orange.

14 Fluorescent Light Not “Natural”
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Fluorescent Light Not “Natural” Source:

15 Colors Split by Dispersion
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Colors Split by Dispersion Source: Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena, 4 ed.

16 Speed in Glass Depends on l
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Speed in Glass Depends on l Index of refraction n = c/v c = vacuum speed v = speed in medium

17 Poll Question Which is faster in glass? Blue light. Red light.
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Poll Question Which is faster in glass? Blue light. Red light. Both have the same speed.

18 Prism Separates White Light
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Prism Separates White Light Source: Griffith

19 Board Work What is wrong with this album cover?
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Board Work What is wrong with this album cover?

20 Dispersion Creates Rainbows
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Dispersion Creates Rainbows Source: Griffith

21 Primary Rainbow: 1 Reflection
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Primary Rainbow: 1 Reflection 40° 42° Source: Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena

22 Secondary Rainbow: 2 Reflections
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Secondary Rainbow: 2 Reflections 54.5° 52° Source: Griffith

23 Viewing Both Rainbows Source: Ackerman and Knox, Meteorology
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Viewing Both Rainbows Source: Ackerman and Knox, Meteorology

24 SCI 340 L51 Light and color Why the sky is blue and sunsets are red
Rayleigh Scattering Why the sky is blue and sunsets are red

25 SCI 340 L51 Light and color There probably isn’t time, but this can be demonstrated nicely with a white light beam shining through dilute milk. The scattered light is bluish and the transmitted light is reddish.

26 Blue Scatters; Red Passes
SCI 340 L51 Light and color Blue Scatters; Red Passes Source: Griffith

27 Next Time Ray optics Ray tracing for mirrors Formulas for mirrors
Ray tracing for lenses Formulas for lenses

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