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Energy 3U/3UB Physics.

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1 Energy 3U/3UB Physics

2 Energy Energy is a scalar quantity measured in Joules (J).
1 J = 1 kg m2/s2 or 1 Nm Energy is a measure of the ability of an object to do work. If work is done ON an object it gains energy and is a positive value. If work is done BY an object it loses energy and is a negative value.

3 Energy Types Work – the energy pathway taken to change an amount of one type of energy and/or to change the type of energy. W = Fd The Work-Energy Theorem states that the work done is equal to the change in energy (type or amount). W = ∆E Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, an object of mass with velocity. Ek = ½ mv2

4 Energy Types Potential energy refers to the ability to do work – usually a stored energy. There are many types: Gravitational Potential Energy – energy due to position above a gravitational body: Eg = mgh Elastic Potential Energy – energy stored in stretched materials that have the ability to restore back to their original shape Chemical Potential Energy – stored in molecular bonds and released when broken or combined with other elements (combustion, food) Nuclear Potential Energy – energy released when atoms undergo fission or fusion

5 Energy Types Mechanical Energy – the sum of the kinetic and gravitational potential energy. Law of Conservation of Mechanical energy states the energy before an event is equal to the energy afterwards (ignoring dissipative forces).

6 Energy changes/conservation of energy
Example 1) An object is lifted up You do work to lift the object up. If you used 20.0 J to do this, you lost J while the object gained 20.0 J of Gravitational Potential energy. Work done by you = J, Work done on object = 20.0 J Example 2) You apply a net force to a mass causing it to speed up You do work by applying a net force over a displacement. The object gains kinetic energy. The loss in energy by you is gained by the object. Note: We are ignoring energy lost due to friction (heat) or sound.

7 Energy changes/conservation of energy
Q1) You pull your sibling with 20.0 N [E] for 10.0 m [E]. What is the work done by you? W = Fs = 20.0 N (10.0 m) = 200. J The work done by you is – 200. J

8 Energy changes/conservation of energy
Q2) If for the previous problem, you applied the force at 30.0o N of E and N of friction exists; what is the work done on the system? W = Fnet(s) = (Fax – Ff)(s) = [20.0N(cos 30.0o) – 6.00 N](10.0 m) = 113 J Note: the Work done by you is – 173 J (does not include friction!)

9 Energy changes/conservation of energy
Q3) An 8.0 kg bowling ball is thrown by Fred Flinstone from rest to m/s. What’s the change in kinetic energy of the bowling ball? ∆Ek = ½ mvf2 – ½ mvi2 = ½ (8.0 kg)(30.0 m/s)2 - 0 = 3.6 x 103 J b) What’s the work done by Fred? W = ∆Ek = -3.6x103 J

10 Energy changes/conservation of energy
Q4a) What’s the potential energy of a 35 kg girl at the top of a waterslide if she is 50.0 m off the ground? Eg = mgh = 35 kg (9.81 m/s2) (50.0 m) = 1.7 x 104 J Q4b) What’s the girl’s speed at the bottom if no energy is lost? Total Mechanical Energy is conserved so (Eg)top + (Ek)top = (Eg)bottom + (Ek)bottom 1.7 x 104 J + 0 = 0 + ½ (35 kg) v2 v = 31 m/s

11 Energy changes/conservation of energy
Q5) A kg rollercoaster rolls down a track starting from rest at a height of m. a) What is its speed at the bottom? 44.3 m/s b) What is the total mechanical energy anywhere? 1.96 x 105 J c) How fast is it at a height of 75.0 m? 22.1 m/s

12 Therefore, he utilized – 2.00 W of power
Power is the rate of energy use: P = ∆E/ ∆t = W/ ∆t Ex1) A student pushes an object using 2.00 N over 60.0 m. If this was done in 1.00 minute, what power did he develop? P = W/t = Fd/t = 2.00 N(60.0 m)/[1.00 min *60s/min] = 2.00 W Therefore, he utilized – 2.00 W of power

13 power Ex2) A waterfall has water falling at 10.0 kg/s from a height of m. What power is developed in a turbine at the bottom, assuming the turbine is 100% efficient? P = E/t = mgh/t = 10.0 kg (9.81 m/s2) (1000 m)/1 s = 9.81 x 104 W Note: if the turbine was 33% efficient: Pout = e(Pin) = 0.33(9.81 x 104 W) = 3.24 x 104 W

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