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Position Paper 75 points.

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1 Position Paper 75 points

2 Position Paper Overview
Debatable topic Take a position/stand on ONE side Given articles to read Use research from the textbook Grading rubric

3 Assignment Intro Marriage: provides structure provides meaning
social arrangement (American history) provides structure provides meaning marks entry into adulthood: gain economic independence from parents leave the family home engage in sexual activity make their own families

4 Assignment Intro Continued
Traditional gender roles provide scripts: Work (both inside and outside the home) divided between spouses How children are raised Over the last 60 years we have seen major shifts in marriage What these changes will mean for the future of families: Are those changes working against families? Are they signs of increased diversity and a need to think more broadly about what family life means?

5 Assignment Topic For this assignment you will need to reflect on these issues and take a stand on one side of the argument: “Families” are becoming stronger “Families” are weakening

6 Assignment Instructions
Read assigned articles (will be available electronically through BB) After reading articles, determine which side of the debate you align yourself with. Using textbook, find four or more additional pieces of research/information that further supports the position (beyond what is described in the articles themselves).

7 Paper Details Your position papers must be: APA Format***
Two to three pages in length 12-point font Times New Roman font Double-spaced lines Standard one-inch margins on all sides In-text citations MUST include information from: All articles 4 textbook research/information that further supports the position

8 Paper Details Continued
Be sure to include the following (APA format): Title page Running head Page numbers In-text citations of fact-based information Reference page

9 Assignment Points The full assignment is worth 75 total points:
65 points (paper) 10 points (in-class activity)

10 Grading Rubric Created by FMST Assessment Committee
You will submit paper assignment through Blackboard using SafeAssign This will automatically happen when you submit Let’s take a look….

11 Due Date Thursday March 14 11:00am

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