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A call against the decline in local bus services

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1 A call against the decline in local bus services
National Federation of Women’s Institutes Resolution Shortlist November 2018 A call against the decline in local bus services “Over the last decade there has been a massive decline in the number of bus services, particularly of those in rural and semi-rural areas. In order to alleviate loneliness, improve health and wellbeing, as well as promoting sustainable development, the NFWI calls on the Government and local authorities to increase subsidies and work in partnership with bus companies and community transport operators to enable an adequate provision of services” Good afternoon so let’s start with the actual resolution: The proposer would like the importance of a local sustainable bus service particularly in rural areas to be more widely recognised. In light of falling coverage of bus services and the wide-spread impact on communities, the resolution calls on local and national government to take action.

2 Quiz: A call against the decline in local buses
1. According to the Campaign for Better Transport, council bus budgets have been cut by what percentage since 2010? a. 25% b. 30% c. 45% d. 80% 2. True or false: local authorities across England and Wales were found to have taken £182 million away from supported bus services over the decade. True  False  3. Approximately how many bus services have been affected in England? 150 b. 500 c d. 3000 4. What fraction of people in smaller villages do not have any access to public transport? A tenth b. A quarter c. Half d. Three quarters 3 4 5. Name one way in which the decline in local bus services can impact people’s lives. Let’s see how much you know already One a piece of paper, jot down the answers

3 What is the scale of the problem?
Since 2010, local authorities have faced budgets cuts which have put pressure on the delivery of local services such as health centres, post offices and libraries. Those without access to a car rely heavily on public transport, and the loss of a bus service can reduce access to services and facilities and contribute to social exclusion and loneliness. According to the Campaign for Better Transport, council bus budgets have been cut by 45% since 2010. Local authorities across England and Wales were found to have taken £182 million away from supported bus services over the decade, affecting more than 3,000 bus services in England and 259 in Wales. According to Rural England, about half of people in smaller villages do not have access to any public transport and young people's access to education is being impacted by poor public transport provision. In 2018 budgets were cut by 20.5 million – 8th year in succession

4 The current situation in the UK
In the UK, approximately 80% of bus services are commercial. However, the Bus Service Operators Grant fell by 20% in and has not increased since. The Local Government Association has warned that as the cost of reimbursing commercial operators is more than the funding provided through the grant, these services are running at a cost to councils. As a consequence of funding pressures, bus services in many areas in England and Wales are gradually reducing. In June 2018, the Local Government Association (LGA) highlighted the scale of the problem. Bus Service Operators grant is a grant paid to operators of local bus services to help recover some of their fuel costs. Designed to keep fares down and enable operators to run services that might otherwise be unprofitable and might otherwise be cancelled. Fell by 20% in and has not increased since = cost of re-imbursing operators is more than funding so these services are running at a cost to councils Therefore in many areas the bus services are gradually reducing Warning that councils in England will struggle to maintain current subsidies for local bus services as their funding gap is likely to exceed £5 billion over the next two years. Campaign for better transport is already calling on Govt to develop a National Investment Strategy for buses and coaches Buses are only form of transport in England not to have a long term strategy

5 The current situation in the UK continued
While support for local bus services in some local authorities has been reduced or cut entirely, there are places where services have been protected and creative ways of managing them developed. In July 2018, the House of Commons Transport Committee launched an inquiry into the health of the bus market. The Bus Services Act 2017 gives councils power to work in partnership with local transport companies to look at measures to improve local bus services and encourage the public to use buses. If bus companies cannot operate commercially in an area, the Act calls on councils to take action to ensure that provision are available by partnering with bus operators. Point 2: Among other things, the inquiry is looking at the provision of services to isolated communities in rural and urban areas, and the reliance of particular communities and groups of people on bus services.

6 The current situation in Bucks
There is the Bucks Local Transport Plan 4 March 2016 – 2036 ‘ We will work with our partners to ensure public transport services best meet the county’s needs now and in the future’ Recognises importance of buses for the reasons already mentioned Invest £24m in supporting public transport services which includes: Home to school services Services for adult care Funding concessionary fares Supporting buses which aren’t currently viable on a commercial basis Importance of buses Buses and community transport play an important part in helping Buckinghamshire to thrive, creating opportunities for all and protecting our unique environment. They help people get to work, to school and to Buckinghamshire’s businesses. They allow many people to access the services they need to live healthy and productive lives. They help families and friends get together. By giving some people the opportunity to leave their cars at home they also free up space on our roads. £24m per year which has to cover everything

7 The current situation in Bucks continued
Work with partners to: Ensure new developments are near good public transport Improve transport information Improve the way we pay Provide bus priority measures e.g. bus lanes on our roads Make public transport accessible to as many people as possible As demand for transport changes, the county grows and funding from Central Government decreases we need to make sure our public transport is in the best shape possible to meet Bucks needs. Ensure new developments are near good public transport or provide the right public transport Improve transport information – information at bus stops, timetables, etc Improve the way we pay – smart ticketing or fares Bus priority measures – bus lanes Making PT accessible – considering needs of disabled people, staff training.

8 Quiz: A call against the decline in local buses
1. According to the Campaign for Better Transport, council bus budgets have been cut by what percentage since 2010? a. 25% b. 30% c. 45% d. 80% 2. True or false: local authorities across England and Wales were found to have taken £182 million away from supported bus services over the decade. True  False  3. Approximately how many bus services have been affected in England? 150 b. 500 c d. 3000 4. What fraction of people in smaller villages do not have any access to public transport? A tenth b. A quarter c. Half d. Three quarters 3 4 Name one way in which the decline in local bus services can impact people’s lives. Social exclusion Loneliness Reduced access to services such as healthcare Young people’s education Let’s see how much you know already One a piece of paper, jot down the answers

9 How the WI could work on this resolution
At local and regional levels-members could raise awareness of the importance of local bus provision, especially in rural areas, and promote bus use as a sustainable form of transport. Nationally-the NFWI could work with organisations such as the Campaign for Better Transport and the Local Government Association to call on Government to provide more funding to local authorities for the provision of bus services.

10 Arguments for the resolution
This was one of eight resolutions submitted in 2018 on this issue, showing the strength of feeling among members. The WI at 100 Report also highlighted that a third of WI members want the government to make it easier for people to use public transport. A bus service is a vital tool for connectivity, growth and social cohesion. It ensures that communities remain sustainable, reduces social isolation and ensures access to employment, education and local facilities such as shops, leisure centres and health services.

11 Arguments against the resolution
The NFWI already has a number of mandates relating to public transport in rural areas (June 1956, May 1963 and April 1948) so a new one may not be deemed necessary. April 1948 – That this meeting urges the Government to give priority to the adequate provision of transport for shopping and essential purposes in rural areas, in particular giving a bus connection at least once weekly for all villages with the town in whose rural district they lie and that all delegates to this meeting ask their own Institutes to continue to press this matter. Further that buses serving rural areas should not carry short distance passengers from the towns, thereby leaving the country people stranded. April 1948 – I am showing you this one in full because it was a resolution from Stoke Poges and Wexham WI June This federation deplores the continued withdrawl of bus and rail services in rural areas and urges the minister of transport to review the position concerning rural road and rail transport and take immediate steps for its improvement – Yorkshire Federation May That all public transport in rural areas should be coordinated as to make it an efficient service to the community – Somerset Federation

12 Further information NFWI Public Affairs Department
E: T: Campaign for Better Transport: Local Government Association: Video: This video examines the case of the decline in local buses in Gloucestershire:

13 Memories As I was preparing for this presentation the sitcom series ‘ On the buses’ kept coming into my head Some of you will remember it clearly and others may not have been born. Plenty of buses in those days which was the 70s

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