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Unit 5 Greek Test Review.

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1 Unit 5 Greek Test Review

2 What caused the major difficulties in uniting ancient Greeks under a single government?

3 the mountainous geography of the region

4 What did Athens and Sparta have in common?

5 They were both city-states

6 During the Peloponnesian War, more than one-third of the Athenians died as a result of _______________.

7 The plague

8 The Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta stressed ______.

9 The military

10 A phalanx was a type of

11 military formation

12 The Peloponnesian War was won by

13 Sparta

14 What form of government did Athens have?

15 a democracy

16 Government ruled by a small group of nobles

17 aristocracy

18 Government where a single person, a king or queen, rules.

19 monarchy

20 Government where citizens participate directly in political decision making.

21 Democracy

22 Government ruled by a few powerful people.

23 oligarchy

24 City-state who valued education and philosophy

25 Athens

26 City-state with the best warriors in all of Greece.

27 Sparta

28 City-state with a superior navy.

29 Athens

30 At the age of seven, boys in this city-state began training to be warriors.

31 Sparta

32 Who wrote The Republic, a book that set forth his vision of a perfectly governed society?

33 Plato

34 Why is it important that Alexander the Great was a student of Aristotle?

35 Aristotle taught Alexander all that was known in the Greek world then.

36 What effect did the sea have on the Greek people?

37 They became great sailors and encouraged them to trade.

38 As the king of Macedonia, he was able to conquer Greece but could not complete his plan to conquer Persia because he was assassinated at his daughter’s wedding.

39 Phillip II

40 Philosopher who wrote The Republic which described his vision of a perfectly governed society which was not a democracy; instead it was a society governed by a philosopher king.

41 Plato

42 Philosopher who developed rules of logic, ultimately creating the scientific method.

43 Aristotle

44 Name the philosopher who was ordered to commit suicide for “corrupting the youth of Athens” and “neglecting the city’s gods”

45 Socrates

46 He was a brilliant military leader and encouraged the blending of cultures.

47 Alexander the Great

48 The Ancient Athenians greatest contribution to the western world was ____________

49 the first democratic government

50 Name the cultures included in Hellenism.

51 India, Persia and Egypt

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