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What the promise of open education means for us

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2 What the promise of open education means for us
The Promise of Open Education Conference 11th September 2017 Fran Ranaldi Development Officer – Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice

3 Collaboration Background Education Scotland HMI
The Making Sense Working Group are working with stakeholders to support the implementation of the 5 inter- connecting recommendations, all of which together, aim to improve the outcome for learners with Dyslexia in Scottish Schools. To achieve this aim the recommendations focus on: Providing high quality professional learning opportunities and guidance Supporting schools and local authorities to develop/improve their inclusive practice Increase the use of the Toolkit by teachers and authority staff. May 2014

4 The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit

5 Professional Learning for Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice

6 Collaborative Partnership
This collaborative partnership supported the development of the module 1. This has continued as feedback from module 1 was incorporated into module 2 .


8 Positive Aspects of this Collaborative Project
The experience of co-creating an OER with the OEPS project has been an extremely positive and worthwhile one. This opportunity has provided valuable professional learning opportunities and has been the catalyst for conversations about future modules on a range of topics. The decision was made to use this platform as it was felt it will help support: a continuity of approaches and support across Scotland colleagues in schools and local authorities adapt and the material to fit within their local context

9 Collection There is a range of free resources to support professional learning on dyslexia and inclusive practice. CLPL route map – available on the Education Scotland National Improvement Hub. Open University Open Learn modules – set of free 3 linked online modules which can be completed at your own pace and which supports GTCS professional update . If all 3 are completed they will support an individual’s application for GTCS Professional recognition. Education Scotland Conversation Events Awareness raising events Inclusive Practice project

10 Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA T +44 (0) E

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