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Diospyros virginiana False terminal bud Alligator bark

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Presentation on theme: "Diospyros virginiana False terminal bud Alligator bark"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diospyros virginiana False terminal bud Alligator bark
Persistent stipules that look like black triangles Single vascular bundle scar

2 Nyssa sylvatica 3 vascular bundle scars
Branches at right angle to trunk True terminal bud

3 Pinus palustris Fire loving pine 3 needle pine
10 in - 1ft long needles Large cone

4 Quercus virginiana Leaves year round
Leaves sclerophylls (thick and crispy)

5 Quercus marilandica Big 3-lobed leaf Bicolored leaf
Trees have a gnarly appearance Prefers sandy, low-nutrient habitats

6 Quercus nigra Spatula shaped leaf Grows fast Common in yards

7 Sassafras albidum Lauraceae Has yellowish bark
3 leaf forms (3-lobed, mitten, no lobes) Crushed fresh leaves smell like fruit loops

8 Asimina parviflora Purplish flower Leaves broadest 2/3 way to the tip
Crushed buds have a tomato vine smell

9 Crataegus sp. Has long thorns Member of the rose family
Zigzag growth form of branches

10 Ilex vomitoria Evergreen leaves Dark green small leaves Not spiny
Whitish bark Native Americans used the fruits to induce vomiting

11 Vaccinium sp. Bell-shaped flowers Buzz pollination
Pollinated by the Southeastern blueberry bee.

12 Gelsemium sempervirens
Evergreen vine, opposite leaves Heterostyly Has 2 different flower morphs (distyly) Early spring bloomer

13 Pityopsis graminifolia
Grass-like leaves Long hairs on leaf surface In the sunflower family Gopher tortoise food.

14 Yucca filamentosa Lily family Long leaves
Filaments peel off the leaf edges

15 Viola pedata Palmately divided leaf (bird’s foot shape)
Bluish/purplish flower

16 Pteridium aquilinum Most widespread fern
Twice pinnately compound leaves Has runners underground Extrafloral nectaries present on young fronds “Winter burns make bracken ferns”

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