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How to create your own study guide:

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Presentation on theme: "How to create your own study guide:"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create your own study guide:
1. List topics/concepts covered; look through your notebook, textbook, & other sources used. 2. Use the information to create different types of & levels of questions. Be sure to label each question (easy, medium, difficult). Check the topics off your list after you’ve covered them on your study guide. crime/punishment Viking ships TTL & PTK ??? (you complete the list) matching (2 questions = 1 towards total) multiple choice fill in the blank (3 minimum) short answer (3 minimum) essay question (1 minimum) 15 questions total (minimum)

2 How to create your own study guide:
3. Type it. 4. Answer all the questions (use different colored ink or shade of grayscale). Print it. Note: You will lose 5 points off your grade if you do not bring to class a printed copy! Microsoft Word

3 Viking Study Guide Rubric
15+ questions of labeled varying levels of difficulty (15 pts) All questions are thoroughly answered (15 pts) 3+ fill in the blank questions (3 pts) 3+ short answer questions (3pts) Quality essay question (3 pts) Essay is thoroughly answered in three, well-written paragraphs (7 pts) Typed (4 pts) Total = _________/50 pts

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