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What do governors do?.

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Presentation on theme: "What do governors do?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do governors do?

2 What’s your view? Your expectation?

3 Extract from the foreword of the Governor’s handbook, 2017
Governing boards…are the vision setters and strategic decision makers for their schools. They play a vital role in ensuring the best possible education that takes every child as far as their talents allow. …using and being familiar with objective data on the performance of pupils, teachers and finances to ask the right questions. It means ensuring resources are allocated to strategic priorities and safeguarding the highest standards of financial propriety. It also means ensuring that schools prepare pupils for life and the workplace and … protect them from the risks of extremism and radicalisation. John Nash, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools

4 There are 10 governors representing parents, staff, LEA and the community
Kaye Cartwright Chair of Governors LEA Sarah Baker Co-opted Governor Graeme Snell Co-opted Governor Chan Dabare Associate Governor Val Axford Staff Governor Astrid Ricketts Parent Governor Ellison Riddle Co-opted Governor David Smith Associate Governor Mark Sibley Co-opted Governor Wayne Stevens Parent Governor NB All governors have the same level of obligations and responsibilities, regardless of what ‘type’ of governor they are.

5 The resources committee meets twice a term, dealing with…
Personnel (inc. staffing levels) Finance and fund account (including budget building and tracking) Buildings Health & Safety School policies (split with School improvement)

6 The school improvement committee also meets six times a year…
Curriculum Safeguarding (including attendance & lateness and GDPR) Attainment & progress SEN/Inclusion/community and Parent links Policies (Split with resources)

7 Each group of children has a ‘link governor’ assigned
Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 This governor will stay with them as they progress through the school Formal link visits are held once a term, and focus on a specific topic agreed by the SIC (e.g. the learning environment, handwriting, etc.) Link governors also participate in the twice termly reviews of the class progress (PPMs) for their link class

8 Governors must both challenge and support the Head (and the rest of the leadership team)
Ensure that the Head delivers against budget and the school improvement plan Sounding board for new ideas Support in resolving issues ‘fresh pair of eyes’ challenge support The Head’s primary responsibility is for teaching and learning The governors’ responsibility is to help improve the school Governors are typically not professional educators FoPHs plays a vital role and is separate from the governing body.

9 Questions?


11 GDPR This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here. This is a sample text. Insert your desired text here.

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