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1 Check the front and back of all pages.
Cheeks’ Chatter Jan , 2018 Learning Focuses This Week Spelling Words Homework ( Mon. , Tues. & Thurs.) first would turn girl more hard under over nice mean **Word Family –or Ex: fork, snort, doctor, forty, bored, story, order TEST - FRIDAY Theme: American Symbols – American flag, Statue of Liberty, White House, Liberty Bell, etc. Shared Reading: “ The Pledge of Allegiance” Writing: Continue informational (or ”teaching”) books. Writing like an “expert” with our readers in mind. Reading Skills: Continue “Bossy R” vowels. Reading Strategy: Using all known sounds that the vowels can make to “flip the sound” to help with tricky words Language Skills: Introduce antonyms -words that have opposite meanings Math Skills: Review “friends of 10” facts and use them when adding 3 numbers with sums to 20 * Math Review * Reading Comprehension * Study/write spelling words nightly * Read your Reading Folder book Check the front and back of all pages. The new semester brings several testing sessions for our first grade kiddos throughout the month of January. Although there is no need for you to help your child prepare other than being at school every day, on time. We do not have all the schedules, yet, but please keep this in mind as you make appointments for your child. It would be good to give your child’s teacher a bit of advance notice if your child is going to be late or miss school. Important Dates Jan. 18th – 100th Day of School Jan. 21st – School Holiday (Martin Luther King Day) Jan. 29th – PTO Meeting, 6:00pm Please come! All parents are encouraged to be there! Teacher Tips for Success Reminders Our 100th Day of School celebration will be Friday! Don’t forget to help your child decide how to dress up like they are 100 years old.

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