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2019 Athletic Code Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "2019 Athletic Code Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Athletic Code Meeting

2 Students Choices Character Self-Advocacy

3 Choices Poor 1) Consuming/Possession 2) Guilt by Association
3) Willful Misconduct 4) Social Media/On-Line Rep.

4 Choices Good 1) Opposite of Poor Choices

5 Character Belief Enthusiasm Attitude Vision Effort Respect Sacrifice

6 Self-Advocacy Communication Effort
This is YOUR Season(s), YOU make it the best for you!!!!


8 Parents Role Communication Code Commitment

9 Role Can only BE 1 of the following: 1) Official 2) Player 3) Coach
4) Spectator/Event Worker

10 Communication Student-Athlete: Coach
Student-Athlete (Parent) : AD (if necessary) Student-Athlete (Parent) : AD and Coach (if necessary) Student-Athlete (Parent) : Principal/AD (if necessary) Negative Concerns Directly to AD

11 Code Commitment


13 Coaches 3-Dimensional Coaching

14 Athletic Training Karn Hanson, Katie Jensen, and Ashley Knutson
Physicals at Clinic: $25 in June and August

15 rSchool App genie/142/school/154/



18 Final Thought…. High school has had many life lessons, memories, and friendships that will last a life time. Athletics are much more then the countless hours in the gym, sweaty teenagers, and wins and losses. If I have any advice for underclassmen... ride the bus home. You only get so many bus rides with your teammates. Yeah, the bus driver might get annoyed, but sing louder. The greatest memories from high school I have made are on a bumpy old bus. Enjoy the bumpy old bus.

19 Sport Meetings Football: HS gym CC: See Coach M. in Lobby
Girls Golf: Guidance Office Boys Soccer:Com. Ed. Room 12 VB: Library grades 8-11

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