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12.4 Effects of the Jackson Administration

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1 12.4 Effects of the Jackson Administration

2 Effects of the Jackson Administration
Jackson left office in 1837, but his imprint remained. He had greatly increased the power of the executive branch. He favored the union when it came to tariffs, but favored the states when it came to issues with the Natives. He claimed to follow the Constitution strictly, but refused to enforce Supreme Court decisions.

3 Effects of the Jackson Administration
He claimed to believe in free enterprise; yet caused a recession by undermining the bank. By cutting the government’s role he created many problems for the national government to deal with in later years.

4 The Election of 1836 Martin Van Buren, who had served as Vice President starting in 1832, was Jackson’s hand picked choice for the Democratic party. The National Republicans had rebranded again as the Whig Party.

5 The Election of 1836 The Whig party wanted to restore Constitutional balance and unified many diverse groups into one party. The biggest element in their unification was their distain for Jackson.

6 The Election of 1836 They wanted to restore the National Bank and sponsor protective tariffs. The Whigs also made statements about religion and morals. They applauded Sunday closing laws and some even wanted to ban alcohol.

7 The Election of 1836 Northern Whigs saw slavery as sinful, while the southern Democrats said slavery was none of the north’s business. Christians in the north began to favor the Whig party.

8 The Election of 1836 The Democrats approach attracted more Catholics and free things. Since many of the newer immigrants were Irish and Catholic, that gave the Democrats a boast for the election.

9 The Election of 1836 The Whigs goal was to take the election to the House, by running strong sectional candidates. In Tennessee Hugh L. White ran and in Massachusetts Daniel Webster ran for President.

10 The Election of 1836 This strategy failed terribly.
51% of popular vote went to Van Buren and he won the electoral college easily.


12 The Van Buren Years Van Buren was the first president not to have been born a British subject. His family was Dutch. Denied the education of other politicians, he mastered the practical; learning how to unite men. Van Buren prided himself on learning from mistakes.

13 The Van Buren Years His first problem was the recession he inherited.
Cotton prices had dropped from 15 cents per pound to 6 cents per pound. Infrastructure work had stopped. He suggested that the government stop interfering with banks. 9 states defaulted on their loans.

14 The Van Buren Years Van Buren proposed an independent treasury system that would consist of a number of federal vaults. This treasury could collect and spend money without using banks.

15 The Van Buren Years Gold and silver would be the medium for all federal business. Congress adopted this plan in

16 The Van Buren Years Chief Justice John Marshall had died in 1835, allowing Jackson to appoint Roger B. Taney to his position. Van Buren was able to appoint two justices when vacancies occurred in 1837.

17 The Van Buren Years Taney had control of the new court and the Whigs were worried that the Court would reverse all of John Marshall’s decisions. As it turned out, few major changes were made. The court did move to protect state’s rights in business, banking, and trade.

18 The Van Buren Years The court’s greatest impact came in the 1850s when it moved strongly for state’ rights as the Civil War approached.

19 William Henry Harrison
In the 1840 election, the Whigs went with William Henry Harrison to go against Van Buren. He was not closely knit with either party and had southern roots. He was also a military hero.

20 William Henry Harrison
When the Democrats tried to diminish him, it backfired. Soon people viewed him as a simple man, instead of the wealthy man he was. They ran on his war credentials and put on parades, complete with banners, bands and flags. Voter turnout increased 60% over

21 William Henry Harrison
Harrison and his running mate John Tyler would win 19 of 26 states and 53% of the popular vote. “Tippecanoe and Tyler too!” ”To guide the ship, we’ll try old Tip"


23 William Henry Harrison
Disaster struck. While making the longest inauguration address ever (100 minutes), Harrison caught a bad cold.

24 William Henry Harrison
Before Congress could convene, Harrison got pneumonia. Just 4 weeks after he took office, Harrison passed away. The first president to pass away while in office.

25 Tyler Too John Tyler was the first person to be president because of a death. Born in Virginia He disagreed with President Jackson’s stances on banks.

26 Tyler Too Henry Clay told Tyler to let Whigs in congress make decisions since Tyler wasn’t elected. Tyler knew he was unquestionably the president. The Whig led Congress abolished Van Buren’s independent treasury system.

27 Tyler Too The Preemption Act of allowed squatters to buy land when they went up for public sale. ($1.25 per acre minimum 160 acres) The Log Cabin Bill permitted money from the sell of lands could be distributed to the states as long as the tariff stayed under 20%

28 Tyler Too The hope was it would help states get out of debt.
Tyler had little say over these programs. When the debt rose, he signed a bill to raise the tariff back to levels.

29 Tyler Too Tyler then vetoed a bill establishing a new National Bank.
The Whigs began to be frustrated with Tyler. They began calling him “his accidency” and kicked him out of the party. All Whigs in his cabinet resigned. He was a man without a party.

30 The Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Tyler had problems with Britain due to the vaguely drawn Canada border. Daniel Webster and Lord Ashburton (British minister) met to resolve matters. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty

31 The Webster-Ashburton Treaty
The Webster- Ashburton Treaty of 1842, was a compromise. The U.S. gave a portion of Maine to Canada. The U.S. gained additional land in New York and Vermont as well as lands on Lake Superior in northeastern Minnesota. A new border line was drawn from Lake of the Woods to the Atlantic Ocean. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty

32 The Webster-Ashburton Treaty
As soon as the treaty was signed, Webster resigned his post. He joined other Whigs who were protesting against President Tyler. The Webster-Ashburton Treaty

33 The End of Tyler’s Term Tyler replaced his cabinet with southern Whigs. Tyler worked to add Texas to the union, believing it would help him get reelected. His efforts failed, and lost the election to James Polk in 1844.

34 The End of Tyler’s Term End the time that he remained in office, Tyler continued to push his ideas. This time period is called a lame duck because he does not have as much support or political power

35 The End of Tyler’s Term When the Senate refused to ratify a treaty that would annex Texas, Tyler proposed Texas be admitted by a joint resolution. It passed, and Texas finally joined the Union.

36 The End of Tyler’s Term Harrison had been elected because people were upset with Jackson and Van Buren. By the end of Tyler’s administration, they longed for a strong leader like Jackson.



39 12.4 Section Quiz

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