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Energy and Your Health 8th Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and Your Health 8th Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and Your Health 8th Grade Science

2 Cells and Energy Review
Cells require a constant source of energy for life processes, but have a small amount of ATP on hand. Cells can regenerate ATP as needed by using the energy stored in foods… BUT HOW & WHERE DO THEY GET IT?

3 What does your body need to be healthy?
Nutrients – substances in food that provides body with raw materials and energy to carry out essential processes. Carbohydrates (Sugar) Lipids (Fats) Proteins Water, vitamins and minerals are not a source of energy, but are also necessary for an organism to function

4 Food Pathways to Energy
Does your body get the same thing from every type of nutrient?

5 Carbohydrates Energy rich (C, H, and O) Simple sugars - glucose
Complex carbohydrates – made up of many simple sugars attached to each other Starch – potatoes, rice Cellulose – make up plant cell walls Found in cell membranes, other cell parts, and stores energy

6 Lipids (Fats) Contains more than 2 times the energy of carbohydrates
Stores energy Protects internal organs Insulates the body

7 Proteins For tissue growth and repair
Enzymes speed up chemical reactions Can be used for energy, but not as typical

8 Carbohydrate Molecule
(sugar) Lipid Molecules (Fats) Protein Molecule

9 Food Pyramid Comparison

10 What’s on a Nutrition Label?

11 How does Sugar affect your body?

12 Nutrition Label Activity
Compare the different foods on the chart with your table partner. Were you surprised by anything on the food labels? Do you eat any of the foods mentioned regularly? Is that food a healthy choice? Answer the questions on the back based on the food chart.

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