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Minor “Engineering of Energy Systems” (E.E.S.)

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1 Minor “Engineering of Energy Systems” (E.E.S.)
Trynke Papa coördinator minor EES

2 The Engineering of Energy Systems programme is specifically designed for students that would like to specialize in energy technology and sustainable energy. It is offered in Fall Semester. 30 ECTS.

3 For admission to this programme, potential participants must have successfully passed the propaedeutic exam of one of the following bachelor programmes; Applied Physics Mechanical Engineering Process Engineering Chemistry (Electrical Engineering maybe in the future)

4 Programme The programme consists of three modules and one design/research project. The modules are: Advanced thermodynamics (6 ECTS), Advanced heat transfer and fluid dynamics (6 ECTS) Renewable Energy Systems (6 ETCS).

5 Renewable Energy Systems
Solar Energy (Photovoltaic and thermal) Wind Energy Hydrogen Energy Storage Smart grids Biochemical conversion Thermochemical conversion

6 Advanced thermodynamics
2e law of thermodynamics Exergy Pinch technology Psychrometrics Combustion technology

7 Advanced heat transfer and fluid dynamics
Transient conduction Extended surfaces Radiation Compressible flow Dimensional analysis and modeling Computational Fluid Dynamics

8 Samenwerking met bedrijven

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