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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Please write any questions on the post-it note and save for the end!

2 Personal Information:
I’m from Gainesville, Florida. I just moved to Atlanta and I am enjoying getting to know the beautiful city! My fiancé and I are tying the knot in St. Pete Beach, Florida next June- I can’t wait! I take my job seriously and I love teaching!

3 Education: I grew up in Philadelphia, PA and moved to Stuart, FL when I was 16. Graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Elementary Education. This is my 3rd year as a homeroom teacher and my 1st year at Shiloh ES.

4 My Expectations: 3 Expectations (School wide rules)
Be Ready Be Responsible Be Respectful I expect students to: Be “whole-body” listening while I teach Not disrupt the learning of others with distractions Remain on task when working independently Show kindness when working collaboratively Follow class procedures for lines, turning in work, etc. We are all CHAMPS! with 4 Steps of Expectations

5 Behavior – Class Dojo Class Dojo- Real time points for positive and negative behaviors. Students write how many points they have at the end of the day, please sign and check up online! On Friday: Your child and I will review their percentage for the week and talk about the behaviors they are excelling with and what they need to work on. Students with 80-90% will be rewarded with one COUPON and students with 90% or higher will be rewarded with two COUPONS! Point’s Club! Passports – Behaviors (positive and/or redirecting in nature) will be written on the passport. Passports will go home Friday and be returned on Monday in the red folder.

6 Red Folders: Conduct grade and Work Habits grade for the week (E, S+, S, S-, N, or U) are on the passport. All work comes home on Friday. Students must collect their own work out of their file. Please REVIEW all assignments with your child. (Encourage correct answers and reinforce incorrect answers by reviewing the missed problems with your child). Note: All failing assignments must be signed and returned so I know that you are aware of any difficulties for that particular skill/subject area.

7 Pencil Bags Students have their own pencil bag for 5 pencils and 1 big pink eraser. Students are responsible for keeping all 5 pencils and eraser in their pencil bag all week. If there are no broken, chewed on, or lost pencils when they turn their bags in at the end of the week, they get a surprise in their bag. All pencils are sharpened for them and return to their bag for the new week.

8 Grading and Promotion Grading: A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C=74-79 D=70-73
U= Below 70 Promotion Requirements FOR 3RD GRADE In April, students will be taking a new state test called the Georgia Milestone. This test is taking the place of the CRCT. This assessment will be administered in grades 3-5 and will have a written response portion for both Language Arts and Math. For third grade students, mastery on AKS will determine promotion to 4th grade.

9 Attendance Attendance Students must be in the building by 8:10 am
Please or call if your child is absent When they return to school please send in a note explaining why Excused absence reasons: Fever over with note from parent Repeated vomiting with note from parent Contagious illness with doctor’s note Doctor/Dentist visit with doctor’s note Death of immediate family with note from parent Observed religious holiday with note from parent Absentees/tardies: You must send a written note explaining the absence (excused: sick, immediate family emergency/death) 3 tardies = one unexcused absence in a nine week period

10 Life as a Third Grader in Ms. Gallagher’s Class:

11 Arrival of Students: Meet and Greet:
Each morning I will personally greet each child and I will be collecting lunch and ice-cream money. Students are responsible for turning in homework, notes, money, signed papers, etc. I will not come looking for them! Morning Work: This is a spiral bound notebook with key concepts in Math and Language Arts. It is to be completed while morning announcements are on and the students eat their breakfast. Unfinished work from the previous day must also be completed for morning work.

12 Language Arts Instruction:
We have a Reader’s Workshop – your child will get a lot of time to READ! I will meet with guided reading groups, that are based on the needs of my students. Reading Stations: Students are expected to work cooperatively at Reading Stations while I am busy instructing a guided reading group. Guided Reading- students will practice reading skills at their level in small groups. Writer’s Workshop- Students will work in small groups and independently to build their writing skills using Social Studies and Science curriculum.

13 Recess Be sure students wear the appropriate clothes (cold or hot).
We do not have time to change our shoes for recess.

14 Lunch Please have your student to give me their lunch or ice cream money first thing in the morning! After that, it is their own responsibility to give the lunch staff their money. You may visit your child for lunch at 10:45 - please sign in at the front office.

15 Math Instruction Math:
Multiplication…start NOW with flash cards! Start with 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s – then go back to the 3’s, 4’s, 6’s, etc. Get these facts memorized, they are in the front of the agenda. We will start division very soon…so the multiplication facts must be fluent! Math will be a combination of whole group, stations and guided math (small group).

16 Social Studies Social Studies: Map Skills & Geographical Features
Roots of our Democracy Our Economy/Personal Finance Life and Times of Historical Figures Such as: Susan B. Anthony Paul Revere Thurgood Marshall

17 Science Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and Soil Habitats of Georgia Heat
Magnets Environment & Pollution

18 Working Snack At 1:20pm, students can eat their snack while they work on writing. This is a “working snack” so please do not send anything that is messy. Snacks MUST be healthy. No chips, candy, cookies, brownies, etc.

19 Specials Specials: Day 1- PE (Must Wear Sneakers!) Day 2- Media
Day 3- Art Day 4- Music

20 In Closing: Sign up for Remind alerts, ClassDojo, and visit the class webpage for updates on tests, homework, and other information. If I do not have your most current and/or contact information, please grab a sheet of paper from the center basket and record your new information so I update my files. Please leave any papers on the table. THANK YOU FOR COMING!!! 

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