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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP AND MC MEETING TARTU, FEBRUARY 8-9, 2018"— Presentation transcript:


2 A “warm” welcome to Tartu!
Name seems to mean “historic” (in German: Dorpat) 2nd city of Estonia with > inhabitants Capital of the province of Tartumaa The university is the largest and oldest in Estonia Approximately 8000 students Famous Nobel laureate: Wilhelm Ostwald (chemistry) Famous mathematician: Anders Lindstedt, known by the Lindstedt-Poincare method for uniformly approximating periodic solutions to ordinary differential equations

3 What is “Model order reduction”?
Nowadays, there is a high demand for ever more accurate and realistic simulations Coupled problems, combining several aspects of a problem (temperature, mechanical, electromagnetic, fluid) Complex structures with enormous numbers of nodes/degrees of freedom Observation: often, there is a lot of superfluous detail generated in the computations Generating only the dominant features is much more efficient; how to do this? Model order reduction 11 October 2011

4 Model Order Reduction is about capturing dominant features
Automatically produce a low-order model that still provides an accurate description of the behavior

5 MOR by Picasso? Thanks to Vincenzo Capasso! January 2010

6 Example Integrated circuits need 3-D structure for wiring 10 years ago 1-2 layers of metal, no influence on circuit performance Present situation: 8-10 layers of metal Delay of signals, parasitic effects due to high frequencies 3-D solution of Maxwell equations leads to millions of extra unknowns Gradual Can we construct a compact model for the interconnect in an automated way? circuit

7 Example: MOR for transmission line (RC)
Original Reduced Netlist size (Mb) 0.53 0.003 # ports 22 # internal nodes 3231 12 # resistors 5892 28 # capacitors 3065 97

8 Model Reduction and related areas
Scientific computing, numerical MOR, Krylov methods, linear algebra, tensors Pade-via-Lanczos and PRIMA Passivity preserving Structure preserving Linear and nonlinear problems Parameterized methods Tensor analysis Systems and control, Lyapunov, Truncated Balanced Realization Large-scale Lyapunov systems Balanced realizations Observability and controllability Gramians Port-Hamiltonian systems Hankel singular values Projection methods Mathematical modeling, behavioral modeling, models via data Reduced basis methods MOR at operator level Karhunen-Loeve expansions Neural networks Vector fitting Behavioral models

9 Why these topics together?
Scientific computing, numerical MOR, Krylov methods, linear algebra, tensors Systems and control, Lyapunov, Truncated Balanced Realization Remarkably, they share the same common phenomenology! Mathematical modeling, behavioral modeling, models via data

10 Many urgent and challenging problems need a unified approach!
Why COST? Why now? Scientific computing, numerical MOR, Krylov methods, linear algebra, tensors Many urgent and challenging problems need a unified approach! Systems and control, Lyapunov, Truncated Balanced Realization Mathematical modeling, behavioral modeling, models via data

11 Objectives of EU-MORNET
Main Action objective: “significantly bringing down computation times for realistic simulations and co-simulations of industrial, scientific, economic and societal models by developing appropriate model reduction methods” Secondary objectives: A unified framework of model reduction techniques Support fundamental research in MOR in all areas Stimulate development of novel methods and models Disseminate the results towards other communities Foster the multidisciplinary/multisectorial training of ESRs Promote ESRs commitment towards outreach activities

12 Long term impact The Action will
Publish a handbook on “Model Order Reduction” covering from the fundamental didactical aspects to the most recent interdisciplinary research. The preparation of the volumes will start during year 1 (plan discussed during KO) and will proceed till the end of the Action. These volumes will constitute the final Action publication. Foster the training of a new class of ESR with interdisciplinary background. These ESR will be the warranty that “Model Order Reduction” will continue as a supra- disciplinary field in the longer period, well after the end of the Action. Set up a series of conferences. These will be of a highly interdisciplinary nature.

13 The Working Groups WG1: Model reduction methods (Gianluigi Rozza) coordination of research in the broad area of model reduction, with techniques from the fields of numerical analysis, systems-control theory, behavioural modelling and related fields WG2: Design optimization techniques (Miguel Silveira) Applying model reduction techniques to coupled and multiphysics problems in order to significantly speed up simulations, in a setting with parameters and optimization requirements. Bridge the gap between researchers working in academia and industry, using model reduction techniques to obtain improved and optimized designs of products, coordinate these efforts on a European scale. Joint supervision of ESRs and monitoring the entire process of STSMs. / department of mathematics and computer science

14 The Working Groups WG3: Applications (Andreas Zilian) using model reduction and design optimisation methods to solve challenging industrial and societal problems. WG 3 explores the current application-driven state of industrial requirements for reduced order modelling at the European level and communicates these to WG 1 (theoretical and methodological development) and WG 2 (design optimisation techniques). WG 3 supports critical performance assessment of MOR approaches developed through a wide catalogue of benchmarking industrial problems and fosters application-oriented knowledge transfer between academia and industry. WG4: Dissemination and outreach (Karen Veroy) This WG is responsible for the (i) dissemination of results obtained; and (ii) outreach to the broad community of model reduction researchers and stake holders.

15 This meeting Workshop today and resuming tomorrow at 11 AM
Tomorrow from there will be a management committee meeting, accessible only to MC members and MC substitutes Lunch today from on the first floor of this building There will be an excursion today from / department of mathematics and computer science

16 Finally…….. For any questions or requests, please contact the local organiser (Peep Miidla) or me We all wish you a very nice and interesting, fruitful meeting / department of mathematics and computer science


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