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Responding creatively to special needs

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Presentation on theme: "Responding creatively to special needs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Responding creatively to special needs
Maria Naidoo, Education Manager Colette Batha, Language Facilitator University Academic English  Direct Entry Programs UNSW Global Education

2 What's happening here? Colette: Play video from 1:08

3 What misconceptions, prejudices or judgements are made about people with special needs …
by workplaces? by town planners? by sporting bodies? by society generally? Colette

4 What misconceptions, prejudices or judgements are made about people with special needs …
by schools? by you? Colette

5 Policy and Procedures Does your centre have a Special Needs Policy and Procedure? Are you familiar with it? Have you had to use it? Is it easy to implement? Do you have a set of Inherent Requirements?  Maria

6 Our student, Shine Female student from China Early 20s
Planned to do Masters in Art at CoFA, UNSW Profoundly deaf, wore 2 hearing aids Not able to lip read Low proficiency in spoken English Communication with teachers was challenging Struggled also with reading Big heart, a positive attitude and an indomitable spirit Colette

7 Scenario: Your context ...
You are working within your current context/s and course/s. You enrol a student who has hearing and/or speaking special needs. 1. What challenges are you and your student likely to face? 2. What strategies can you realistically put in place to create an inclusive and supportive environment? (Feedback) Maria and Colette: Give out A4 to participants to identify challenges and strategies for the real world and in a perfect world.

8 Discussion: considerations and impacts
What resources would these adjustments require? What impact would this have on teachers and others in the class? Maria and Colette

9 Scenario: Imagine... Now imagine you have carte blanche to implement any measures you feel would support this student. What could you do? Maria and Colette

10 What we did for Shine Class adjustments
One-on-one tutoring after class focussed on preparation for next lesson and review of previous lesson In-class assessment and exam adjustments Support from Student Life Regular contact throughout the course Maria

11 What we did at an organisational level
Developed a Policy and a Procedure Developed a set of Inherent Requirements Established a set of possible adjustments for a range of special needs Maria

12 What remains to be done Teacher training
Exploring resources / classroom adjustments Colette Handout from Laura for attendees (takeaways)

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