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Electrical Communications Systems ECE Spring 2019

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1 Electrical Communications Systems ECE.09.433 Spring 2019
Lecture 2b January 31, 2019 Shreekanth Mandayam ECE Department Rowan University

2 Plan Baseband and Bandpass Signals Modulation
Battle Plan for Analyzing Comm Systems Amplitude Modulation (AM)

3 ECOMMS: Topics

4 Baseband and Bandpass Signals
Baseband signals: spectral magnitude is non-zero only near the origin and is zero (or negligible) elsewhere Bandpass signals: spectral magnitude is non-zero only near the vicinity of f = ± fc, were fc >> 0 - fm fm W(f) f - fc fc W(f) f Carrier Frequency AF Signals RF Signals

5 Modulation What is it? How is it done? Modulator Information
Modulating Signal Message Signal m(t) (Baseband) Modulated Signal s(t) (Bandpass) Information Modulation Frequency Translation How is it done? Modulator message: m(t) carrier: c(t) s(t): radio signal

6 Why Modulate? Antenna size considerations Narrow banding
Frequency multiplexing Common processing

7 Battle Plan for Analyzing any Comm. Sys.
Signals Systems Complex Envelope Time Domain Spectrum Power Performance Transmitters Receivers Standards Modulation Index Efficiency Bandwidth Noise

8 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
Signals Systems Complex Envelope Time Domain Spectrum Power Performance Transmitters Receivers Standards Modulation Index Efficiency Bandwidth Noise

9 AM Spectrum Message Spectrum |M(f)| f AM Spectrum |S(f)| f -B 0 +B
-fc-B -fc fc+B fc-B fc fc+B |S(f)| f

10 Single Tone AM m(t) m(t) = Amcos(2pfmt) Am t c(t) Ac
c(t) = Accos(2pfct) s(t) t Ac Ac[1+Am] s(t) = Ac[1 + Amcos(2pfmt)]cos(2pfct)

11 Spectrum of Single Tone AM
Matlab Demo

12 Percentage Modulation
s(t) Amax = Ac[1+Am] Amin = Ac[1-Am] Ac t

13 AM Bandwidth Message Spectrum |M(f)| f AM Spectrum |S(f)| f -B 0 +B
-fc-B -fc fc+B fc-B fc fc+B |S(f)| f

14 AM Power & Efficiency

15 AM Standards See p. 320

16 AM: Features AM system is very cheap to build and maintain
AM is wasteful of power - max efficiency is 33% AM is wasteful of bandwidth - twice the message bandwidth is required AM Modifications: DSB-SC SSB VSB

17 Complex Envelope Representation
Modulator message: m(t) carrier: c(t) s(t): radio signal We want a common mathematical representation for information transfer from baseband to bandpass any bandpass signal any time of modulation signal/noise and signal+noise

18 Summary

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