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Ray Reed – Brownfield Coordinator

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1 Ray Reed – Brownfield Coordinator
TURTLE MT BAND OF CHIPPEWA Ray Reed – Brownfield Coordinator EPA-TRP

2 Examples of possible outreach tools -
Tribal website Brochures In-person meetings Community meetings Site visits/tours Videos and posters Different tools will be effective in different areas. Some communities have regular meetings but the same people always attend. How will you reach the other people? Use your website to explain requirements. Develop brochures (EPA has some good examples on-line).

3 Examples of documents -
Small business guides to managing hazardous waste and used oil. Backyard burning brochures. Waste reduction guide for casinos. Guide for service stations managing USTs. Recycling and waste reduction guides. Examples include information for homeowners on how to recycle their old appliances, handle needles, hazardous of household products (like cleaners, solvents used in cars, pesticides, etc.). Other documents are for businesses, such as how to handle used oil, how to identify if their waste materials are hazardous, how to reduce the amount of waste they produce. There are also guides to how to conduct a household haz waste collection event, how to evaluate casinos for waste reduction opportunities. Etc. We provided a couple of examples in the handouts on backyard burning to let people know why they shouldn’t do it (hazardous to people’s health), what the specific health hazards are (burning produces toxic chemicals like dioxins which can cause cancer and developmental disorders in humans), and what you can do as an alternative, and where to go for more information (EPA website). You also have a brochure designed specifically for tribal leaders on open burning that offers examples of what some tribal governments have done to provide alternatives ways for people to get their garbage properly disposed of if they live in a rural area.

4 OUTREACH Public Notices Visit Agencies, Local Govt.(s) & Business
Attend and/or Hold Meetings Fliers & Fact Sheets Compliance Assistance Visit Schools & Colleges

5 Ray Reed Turtle Mountain Tribal EPA Brownfields Coordinator Belcourt, N.D (701)

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