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Controls Overview B. Dalesio

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1 Controls Overview B. Dalesio
Outline Control System Scope of Work Organization Chart ES&H Schedule Risk Registry and mitigation Response to Previous Review Next 6 months Breakout Sessions Conclusions

2 System Design EPICS EPICS W/S SLC EPICS W/S Distributed Alpha EPICS
Applications SLC Alpha Apps EPICS W/S Distributed Applications EPICS W/S Distributed Applications Xterm Xterm EPICS W/S Distributed Applications Xterm Xterm EPICS WS Distributed High Level Applications Fast Feedback over Ethernet? SLC-Net over Ethernet Channel Access C P U E V G E V R LLRF HPRF I/O Boards C P U E V R Diag C P U E V R Pwr Supply Ctrl C P U Vacuum Ctrl IOC IOC IOC 16 triggers 16 triggers Drive Laser Off Single Bunch Beam Dumper Machine Protection Beam Code + EPICS Time + EPICS Events

3 Injector Subsystem Designs
Timing C P U E V R Digitizer C P U E V R T C M T C M T C M T C M T C M C P U E V R B I B O G A D C MPS? PM Chassis L E A D LEAD L E A D SLC Preamps Actuator Mcond chassis MKSU LLRF RF Equipment Toroids Faraday Cups 6 instances (1 for each klystron), 1 IOC in total 4 Faraday Cups with YAGs, share toroid IOC 5 Toroids 1 IOC

4 Injector Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time Ethernet C P U E V R B I B O C P U E V R B I B O D A C MPS Turn Off PM Chassis PM Chassis Lamps & Actuator Cameras Electronics Actuator Tune Up Dump Profile Monitors 11 Profile Monitors (4 YAGs, 7 OTRs), 1 IOC 1 Tune Up Dump, shares toroid IOC

5 Injector Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R G A D C A O C P U E V R B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M C P U E V R B I B O A O G A D C S M C T L A I To llrf Turn off Ilock Chs (2) Motor Controls Cameras Electronics Thermocouples E/O Diagnostic BPM Pickups Gun Laser and Heater Ctrls 48 Mirror Motors, 4 Shutters 1 Camera, Joulemeter 21 BPMs 3 IOCs 1 IOC 1 Pulse length meas. share toroid IOC

6 Injector Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time LLRF? BCS? C P U E V G C P U E V R G P I B ? B I B O A I A O A I Network & Crates PPS MPS 119 MHz w/ 360Hz Fid PNET Power Supplies SLAC PMVC GP307 IG HP937 CCG FIDO SLC Timing 30 gauges 30 ion pumps 4 bl valves Manual valves into MPS?

7 Injector Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R B I O A I O C P U E V R S A M R T D Ethernet Control Logix PLC (3) PS Reg Interface Control Logix PLC (1) temperatures Magnet Power Supplies (4) MCOR Power Supplies (4?) Klixon Boxes PPS Gates Laser PPS Gates High Current High Precision Magnets w/ KLIXONS (4) Low Current Fast Corrector and Quadrupoles Magnets Tone Receiver

8 LINAC Subsystem Designs
Ethernet Timing C P U E V R D A C G A D C C P U E V R T C M T C M T C M T C M T C M T C M C P U E V R B I B O D A C PM Chassis L E A D LEAD L E A D SLC Lamps & Actuator Cameras Electronics Preamps MKSU LLRF RF Equipment Toroids Profile Monitors 1 Phase Control 24/30 Remaining in SLC 6 Toroids 1 IOC 20 Profile Monitors 1 IOC

9 LINAC Subsystem Designs
Ethernet Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R B I B O D A C C P U E V R B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M C P U E V R S M B I B O G A D C A D C C P U B I B O PM Chassis PM Chassis Lamps & Actuator Cameras Electronics Motor elec HVPS LVDT Actuator Photo Tube E/O Diagnostics BPM Pickups Wire Scanners And Motors Stoppers 20 Wire scanners – 11 new, 1 IOC 1 Pulse length meas. 143 BPMs 15 IOCs

10 LINAC Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R B I B O G A D C C P U E V R B I B O C P U E V R B I B O A D C C P U E V R B I B O A D C MPS Turn Off PM Chassis PM Chassis PM Chassis PM Chassis Actuator Actuator Actuator Mcond chassis Actuator Bunch Length Monitors Single Beam Dump E Beam Dump Protection Collimator

11 LINAC Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time Timing C P U E V R B I B O S M C P U E V R D A C G A D C PM Chassis SLC SLC Actuator MKSU MKSU LLRF Movable Collimator X – Band Accelerator Structure

12 LINAC Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time LLRF? BCS? E V R C P U E V R G P I B ? B I B O A I A O A I PPS MPS Power Supplies SLAC PMVC GP307 IG HP937 CCG SLC Timing gauges ion pumps 4 bl valves 24 sets of timing receiver modules 4 chassis for each type of interface

13 LINAC Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R B B U S V M I C C P U E V R Ethernet PS Reg Interface Control Logix PLC (3) Magnet Power Supplies MCOR Power Supplies Klixon Boxes PPS Gates BSOIC P L I C BSOIC High Current High Precision Magnets w/ KLIXONS (4) Low Current Fast Corrector and Quadrapoles Magnets MPS Beam Containment System Tone Receiver

14 Undulator Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R A I S M C T L C P U E V R P I E Z O C P U E V R S M A D C G A D C Motor Controls Motor Controls Motor Controls Wire Position Read-backs LVDT Fine Motion Control (strong back cradle motion) Motors Phase Corrector Motion Wire Scanners And Motors 233 motors 4 * 33 controllers 11 wire scanners

15 Undulator Subsystem Designs
Beam Code + EPICS Time C P U E V R S M C T L C P U E V R B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M B P M C P U E V R G A D C C P U E V R G A D C Motor Controls Downconverters Macroscopic Motion Control BPM Pickups Charge Monitors (Toroid) Scanning Wires ADCs 33 BPMs 33 IOCs 2 Charge monitors 2 IOCs 3 IOCs 55 controllers

16 Organization Chart John Galayda – Project Director Mark Reichanadter – Chief Engineer Steve Milton – ANL Project Director Richard Bionta – LLNL Project Director Helen O’Donnell – Administration Jeff Chan – Finance/Cost/Budget/Schedule Michael Scharfenstein – ES&H D. McGiven - Procurement E-Beam Dave Shultz P-Beam John Arthur Conventional Facilities David Saenz 1.1.3 Controls Manager Bob Dalesio Physics/Line Patrick Krejcik 1.2 Injector Manager Eric Bong 1.2.2 Controls Bob Dalesio 1.3 LINAC Manager Eric Bong 1.3.2 Controls Bob Dalesio 1.4 Undulator Manager Steve Milton 1.4.2 Controls Joshua Stein 1.5 X-Ray ODT Manager Richard Bionta 1.5.2 Controls Steve Lewis 1.6 End Station Stephan Mueller 1.6.2 Controls TBD 1.9 CF D. Saenz 1.9.2 Controls Mario Ortega Shared Budget Authority in control system implementation

17 Unified Project-wide Solutions
1.1.3 Controls Manager Bob Dalesio Physics/Line Patrick Krejcik 1.2 Injector Manager Eric Bong 1.2.2 Controls Bob Dalesio 1.3 LINAC Manager Eric Bong 1.3.2 Controls Bob Dalesio 1.4 Undulator Manager Steve Milton 1.4.2 Controls Joshua Stein 1.5 X-Ray ODT Manager Richard Bionta 1.5.2 Controls Steve Lewis 1.6 End Station Stephan Mueller 1.6.2 Controls TBD 1.9 Injector Manager D. Saenz 1.9.2 Controls Mario Ortega Timing - Dayle Kotturi RF - Dayle Kotturi Vacuum -Steve Lewis BPM Till Straumann Wire Scanners - Doug Murray Toroids/Collimators - Doug Murray PPS - Patrick Bong Power Supplies - Kristy Luchini MPS - TBD Fast Feedback - Stephanie Allison Position Control - Josh Stein, Steve Lewis Image Acquisition - Josh Stein, Steve Lewis, TBD Conventional Facilities - Mario Ortega SLC-Aware IOC - Stephanie Allison, Diane Fairley, Debbie Rogind

18 Control System Staff Timing/RF - Dayle Kotturi (LCLS)
Vacuum -Steve Lewis (LLNL) BPM Till Straumann (SSRL) Other Diagnostics - Doug Murray (Contractor) PPS - Patrick Bong (ESD) Power Supplies - Kristy Luchini (LCLS) MPS - TBD Fast Feedback - Stephanie Allison (SSRL) Position Control/ Image Acquisition- Josh Stein (ANL), Steve Lewis (LLNL) \Conventional Facilities - Mario Ortega (LCLS) SLC-Aware IOC - Stephanie Allison,( SSRL) Diane Fairley (ESD), Debbie Rogind (ESD) Hardware support - Steve Smith, Ron Johnson (ESD - .75) - Antonio DeLira, Paul Bellomo (ESD - .75) - Tom Porter (ESD - .25) - John Desatko, Mike Browne, Dave brown (ESD ) - Tech Support (ESD – 3.00)) Low Level System Programmer - Steven Norum (June – LCLS) EE - TBD (May – LCLS) Junior Proj Engineer - TBD (May – LCLS) High Level Programmer - TBD (August – LCLS 2.00)

19 LCLS Control System ES&H
PPS for the Injector is designed. External review being organized for May. Citizen Review is in June. Internal design review of wiring, racks, and AC distribution will be done for existing and new designs to determine safety and noise issues. All personnel has up to date safety training for required work.

20 First Article Delivery Dates
August 2006 – Test at FFTB BPMs Video Diagnostics November Operation of Drive Laser & RF Conditioning start – injector Newport Motor Controls Integration of Drive Laser Controls into EPICS LCLS Timing System LLRF Vacuum Gateway operational from Alpha to EPICS Personnel Protection – Injector Area July First UV on cathode Power Supply Control Wire Scanners (Newport Motor Controls or OMS) June First Beam on Linac Axis SLC aware IOC PNET Timing August Start Undulator Commissioning Machine Protection System Personnel Protection – LTU and Undulator Area Compumotor Controls

21 LCLS Control System Risks
R-1J-007 Integration of SLC Control system Alpha to EPICS IOCs We have a strong team working this issue relentlessly: Stephanie Allison, Diane Fairley, Debbie Rogind, Ron MacKenzie, and Kristi Luchini. We are 70% complete and project a completion of June 1st. The first need date is in 07. We are completing this early to give us plenty of time to test and the peace of mind to sleep at night. R-1J-008 LCLS Timing The first release of the board has been completed by Dave Brown in ESD. Dayle Kotturi has written the first pass of the driver. Dayle will be writing a test suite to verify the reliability of this timing and the ability to put the SLC timing onto the LCLS Event Generator (EVG). We will have this operational in April and we have a first need date in 07. The Diamond timing system meets our specification and we have a set of boards here to verify integrated operation with the PNET board. We will have the test system in place by June and we have a first need date in the summer of 06.

22 Response to Previous Review - 1
Complete the transfer of Global Controls elements to WBS and WBS in both the WBS Dictionary and the detailed cost estimate spreadsheets by October 1, 2004. The WBS transfer of Global Controls is complete. The modification of the WBS dictionary has been completed. Identify and hire the controls liaison people for WBS and WBS 1.6.2, and work with them to complete the scrubbing of those WBS elements, assuring standardized approaches where appropriate. Richard Bionta, John Arthur, and Bob Dalesio have met and agreed to collaborate on the hiring of the and controls system liaisons. Steve Lewis, a LLNL EPICS expert, has joined the LCLS-LLNL effort. Controls personnel for WBS 1.5 will be provided through the LCLS Controls Group. Due to funding concerns related to the continuing resolution, these hires have been delayed but will be revisited once full FY05 funding is available.

23 Response to Previous Review - 2
Establish an approach to the integration (or not) of conventional facilities controls; and identify a controls liaison person for WBS 1.9 if integration is to be pursued. An initial discussion was held with the Architect/Engineer (Jacobs Engineering) and CF System Manager (David Saenz) have made plans to incorporate EPICS controls into the Title-II architectural design. Jacobs has staff experienced in implementing EPICS in SNS conventional facilities, who will be assigned to LCLS to make a clear case for the integration of the facility control into the global control system. The critical requirement for time stamped data must be within 500 msec signal readout was defined. The CF controls liaison is Mario Ortega.

24 Next 6 months Finish hiring:
hardware support – EEs and Techs Complete hiring actions on project engineers and programmers. Acquire RDB support. Complete detailed designs per subsystem and have them reviewed – revamp costs – by the end of this FY. Integrate the Experimental Hall into the control system. Complete evaluation/test of PNet, Timing, LLRF, PPS, BPM, 120 Hz Control, MPS, PPS, Motion Control and Image Taking Complete the SLC-Aware IOC Integrate Laser Control Review Wiring, AC Distribution, and Racks for safety and noise considerations. Citizen Review of the PPS for the injector.

25 CONTROLS Breakout 9:00 SLC-aware IOC - Allison 9:15 Timing - Kotturi
9:30 Wiring, Racks, AC Dist. – Ortega 9:45 PPS – Bong 10:00 Motion Control - Stein 10:15 Vacuum Control - Lewis 10:20 break 10:40 BPMs – Tillman 11:00 Wire Scanners / Collimators - Murray 11:20 Power Supplies – Luchini 11:40 LLRF - Kotturi

26 Conclusions The WBS has been reorganized to move all of the design activities into global controls under Signature authority for all x.x.2 level WBS is shared. Hires for control engineers are complete. EE and RDB hires are needed. The SLC-aware IOC and SLC to EPICS timing is in test and should be complete by June 1st. Existing hardware components have been identified for most of the high risk areas. MPS and fast feedback need attention. By the end of this year, all hardware should be prototyped and the schedule and budget revamped to reflect the final design decisions.

27 Update May 2004 – April 2005 (1) 3 month continuing resolution
WBS reorganized to move all design work into under direction of the control group (Recommendation 1) Acquire personnel 8 project engineers – Kotturi, Luchini, Allison, Straumann, Murray, Fairley, Rogind, (offers being made to junior engineer, jobs open for junior proj. eng) 1 low level programmer (offer being made to junior engineer) 2 EE/ board designers – (support from ESD, evaluating existing designs, interviewing Steve Lewis on controls at LLNL (half of Recommendation 2) Conventional Facilities, Wiring, Racks, and Power Distribution – Ortega (lead), ESD support, need to hire Facility Controls, X-Ray Transport are integrated into control design (details remain) (Recommendation 3) Rack Layout, Tray Design, and wiring penetrations for Injector, L01 through BC1. LTU is 50% complete.

28 Update May 2004 – April 2005 (2) Prototypes in test:
PNet – hardware design complete, driver functional, tests needed Timing – hardware from SLS being put into test Power Supply – hardware from SLS in test for stability and precision Video – cameras in test Design efforts ready for prototyping: LLRF and BPM SLC-Aware IOC is 70% complete. Designs to complete 120 Hz fast feedback (Shared Memory, dedicated Ethernet, EVG??) position controllers (compumotor for undulator servos, Newport for Laser and XTOD, Newport or OMS for wire scanners and collimators) Machine Protection (JLab, SNS – fast enough but integration of timing?)

29 LCLS Control System Goals
Provide a fully integrated control system to support the construction, test, installation, integration, operation and automation of the LCLS Standardize on all devices and components across all subsystems. Identify all data either by pulse id, beam pulse related time stamp, or 500 msec rough time stamp. Full integration with the SLC – timing, use of LCLS data in SLC high level applications, and use of SLC data in LCLS Provide an upgrade path for the SLC

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