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SCIENCE IMAC Update (Instructional Materials Advisory Committee)

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1 SCIENCE IMAC Update (Instructional Materials Advisory Committee)
Lisa Kotowski, Rachel Flanigan, Sandi Starr, Nicole Dickinson, Michael Heberle, Charalee Cunningham Tuesday November 6, 2018

2 Science IMAC Members - Elementary School
Name School Site Subject/Grade Jeanine Battjer-Valencia Live Oak Elementary School Kindergarten Jennifer Mueller George Lincoln Mosher Elementary School Nicole Brucker Ellerth E. Larson Elementary School First Sarah DeFonzo Manlio Silva Elementary School Amy Borland Second Rebecca Kendrick Leroy Nichols Elementary School Third Carol Rexroth Westwood Elementary School Rachel Flanigan Fourth Jennifer Van Blair Fourth, Fifth

3 Science IMAC Members - Middle School
Name School Site Subject/Grade Rebecca Pisano Creekside Elementary School Sixth Matt Hummel Lakewood Elementary School Nicole Dickinson Vinewood Elementary School Danielle Kendle Christa McAuliffe Middle School Eighth Cheryl Houston Seventh, Eighth Casey Avalos Elkhorn Elementary/Middle School Kristi Hyllen Lodi Middle School Sherry Alexander Seventh Lisa Bartram Millswood Middle School Sean Campbell Joshua Sandler Morada Middle School Estela Oshalim Bold indicates a current or past Science Committee member

4 Science IMAC Members - High School
Name School Site Subject/Grade Thomas Iturraran Bear Creek High School Earth Science Steffi Terrill Chemistry, Physics Michael Heberle Biology Todd Degrandmont Lodi High School Physics, Chemistry Melissa Turner Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Forensics Krista Brereton Rodney Compton McNair High School Earth Science, Astronomy Sarah Morais Biology, Chemistry, Physics Aleathea Langone Middle College High School Biology, Chemistry Ryan Heinrich Tokay High School Physics Sandra Starr Lisa Stewart Earth Science, Chemistry Sylvia Klein

5 Timeline Meeting 1: Tuesday September 11 from 8:30 to 3:30 at JAESC 3rd floor South Develop district profile (lens) Meeting 2: Tuesday October 23 from 8:30 to 3:30 at JAESC 3rd floor South Review rubrics for the prescreen and paper screen of instructional materials NGSS and CA Science Framework Meeting 3: Tuesday November 6 from 8:30 to 3:30 at JAESC 3rd floor South 9-12 TEACHERS ONLY, instructional materials from publishers, teachers met to review the materials Review available instructional materials using prescreen and paper screen rubrics Recommendation for 9-12 science course model *

6 Timeline Meeting 4: Monday November 26 (schedule TBA) Publisher Fair
K-8 Teachers ONLY (preferred); 9-12 teachers viewed materials on November 6 Publishers Fair held at SJCOE Use prescreen rubric to narrow down available materials to 2-3 publishers Meeting 5: Tuesday December 11 from 8:30 to 3:30 at JAESC 3rd floor South Publisher Presentations Teachers will use the paper screen rubric to evaluate the top 2-3 publishers for the Final recommendation If there is a tie between 2 publishers, possible mini pilot First Publisher Pilot: January Second Publisher Pilot: January 29 - February 7 Meeting 6: Tuesday February 12 from 8:30 to 3:30 at JAESC 3rd floor South Final recommendation based on feedback from the pilot; order materials by March 1, 2019

7 Publishers Kindergarten through Grade 12
Accelerate Learning Carolina Biological Delta Education (FOSS) Discovery Education Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Knowing Science McGraw Hill Pearson Education Teacher’s Curriculum Institute Twig Education K-6 National Geographic (Cengage) K-8 Amplify Education 6-8 Accelerate Learning Activate Learning Delta Education (FOSS) Discovery Education Green Ninja Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Impact Science McGraw Hill Pearson Education Teacher’s Curriculum Institute 9-12 Accelerate Learning Activate Learning Discovery Education Houghton Mifflin Harcourt PASCO Pearson Education Twig Education

8 Selection Process - Toolkit
NextGen Time Toolkit for Instructional Materials Evaluation Transforming Implementation through Materials Evaluation Professional learning focused on science materials designed for next generation science

9 Thank You!

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