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SILVER EDITION Political Cartoons SILVER EDITION Political Cartoons

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1 SILVER EDITION Political Cartoons SILVER EDITION Political Cartoons
Directions: This SILVER EDITION of your portfolio allows you to choose from two options. The instructions on each slide will walk you through choosing and completing “option A” or “option B.” You will submit your final work to Mr. Snell by attaching this file to a web mail. Political Cartoons Political Cartoons

2 Choose A Topic Do not take this “first step” lightly, as the topic you choose will have a direct impact on your overall enthusiasm and motivation for completing this semester portfolio project. The Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 The Dust Bowl New Deal Programs Japanese-American Internment Camps WWII Leadership Comparison (speak to Mr. Snell if interested) Dropping of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki McCarthyism and Blacklisting Cold War America Cuban Missile Crisis 1960s Civil Rights Movement Separate, But Equal Integration The Space Race Watergate Scandal American Culture- “The 60s” Vietnam War The First Computers Reagan and Gorbachev Other (Must get teacher approval)?

3 Silver Edition – Political Cartoons
Due Date: End of Semester Political Cartoons- Use political artwork to present your chosen topic. This may include original artwork or cartoons created by other artists. Option A Option B Analyze and reflect on the political expression of other artists. Choose your topic/event Choose your cartoons Analyze and respond to essential questions. Use following slides to complete portfolio. Synthetize your own political expression about an approved topic. Choose your topic/event from slide #2. Create a political cartoon w/symbolism Use following slides to complete portfolio.

4 Option A – Analyzing Other Artist’s Cartoons
Hmm….. which one? You will need to complete the next two slides and submit this file to me via web mail attachment in order be done with this portfolio….or…… Interested in option B? Skip down to slide #8, if you have chosen to create your own political cartoon.

5 Option A. Paste cartoon here Cartoon 1 of 2 [Type here]
1. Find (2) political cartoons that relate to your chosen research topic Review, analyze, and interpret the meaning of those cartoons. 3. Write a short 4-5 sentence summary (for each cartoon) about the intended meaning or message from the artist. Use the questions at the bottom to help you analyze the cartoon, but are not required to do so. [Type here] Paste cartoon here Cartoon 1 of 2 Guided Questions: Use these questions to guide your reflections. You do not have to specifically answer all questions. What parts of the drawing are symbolic or have deeper meaning? Are their parts of the cartoon that are somehow emphasized for importance, like larger, or in color, or out of the ordinary? Are their figures in the cartoon that express certain emotions? How do those emotions apply? If you had to explain this cartoon to a younger sibling, how would you describe it to them? What do you think the artist’s main reason was for creating this cartoon? What point are they trying to make?

6 Option A. Paste cartoon here Cartoon 2 of 2 [Type here]
1. Find (2) political cartoons that relate to your chosen research topic Review, analyze, and interpret the meaning of those cartoons. 3. Write a short 4-5 sentence (for each cartoon) summary about the intended meaning or message from the artist. Use the questions at the bottom to help you analyze the cartoon, but are not required to do so. [Type here] Paste cartoon here Cartoon 2 of 2 Guided Questions: Use these questions to guide your reflections. You do not have to specifically answer all questions. What parts of the drawing are symbolic or have deeper meaning? Are their parts of the cartoon that are somehow emphasized for importance, like larger, or in color, or out of the ordinary? Are their figures in the cartoon that express certain emotions? How do those emotions apply? If you had to explain this cartoon to a younger sibling, how would you describe it to them? What do you think the artist’s main reason was for creating this cartoon? What point are they trying to make?

7 Please submit this portfolio via web mail attachment.
Done with Option A? Please submit this portfolio via web mail attachment.

8 Option B – Creating Your Political Cartoon
Hmm….. which one? You will need to complete the next slide and submit this file to me via web mail attachment in order be done with this portfolio……… … or you can go back to slide #4, if you have chosen to create your own political cartoon.

9 Option B. Paste YOUR cartoon here [Type here]
1. Create (2) your political cartoon that communicates an opinion related to the historical topic you chose Ensure that your cartoon clearly communicates historical relevance, as well as how this message can be significant to Americans today Write a short 4-5 sentence summary about the intended meaning or message of your cartoon. [Type here] Paste YOUR cartoon here Guided Questions: Use these questions to guide your reflections. You do not have to specifically answer all questions. What parts of the drawing are symbolic or have deeper meaning? Are their parts of the cartoon that are somehow emphasized for importance, like larger, or in color, or out of the ordinary? Are their figures in the cartoon that express certain emotions? How do those emotions apply? If you had to explain this cartoon to a younger sibling, how would you describe it to them? What do you think the artist’s main reason was for creating this cartoon? What point are they trying to make?

10 Please submit this portfolio via web mail attachment.
Completed Option B? Please submit this portfolio via web mail attachment.

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