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Project Status John N. Galayda
LCLS Project Summary Assessment
Technical Status, Accomplishments Current Status, Conventional Facilities Contingency Analysis
Project Walk-Down- Organization/Hires
Jess Albino starting 14 August Assoc. Dir. Engineering – Two interviews 3 more candidates Offer out after Labor Day Barry Miller will continue working with LCLS beyond October James Dee, procurement representative in the field, arriving August 10 Joe Frisch joining Paul Emma’s group Diagnostics Expert
Project Walk-Down - Injector
Laser installed, operating 3 mJ in the UV Gun slightly late to power up, not a concern Power supplies tested with controls Scanning wires tested with controls Magnets Gun solenoid measured (unique challenge) Dogleg magnets BX01/02 measured, passed 23 Injector quads measured, passed 3 GTL quads measured – passed as quads, flunked as dipoles Linac solenoid in measurement BXS injector spectrometer core delivered from LBNL- coils near completion at SLAC
Light from Thales Jedi 120 Hz pump laser
Project Walk-Down - Injector
SAD draft in preparation Magnet measurements proceeding Potential conflict with SPEAR chicane magnet measurement MCOR30 supplies testing underway via EPICS
Linac BC-1 Dipoles (Scanditronix) – Arrived Monday BC-1 “tweaker” quads delivered, measured Refurbishment of some FFTB magnets underway Blanket Ordering agreements in place and in use
Controls SLAC expert engaged in connecting existing Linac software applications to LCLS Modernization of applications will be delayed Implementation of fast feedback may be delayed until 2007 SPPS experience suggests this will have minor effect on commissioning Accelerator Controls Budget Growth in PS installation Working to cut it down
Undulator Single-Undulator Test results show great progress
‘Long-term test’ beginning at ANL, a continuation of SUT Undulator vacuum chamber design still in question Welding tests on the 4-weld chamber are underway Magnet measurements at SLAC Dover bench ready to measure Keff New system for undulator measurement- first data
Six undulators from Hi-Tech on the way to SLAC. 08/18/06
Strongbacks, magnets, and poles staged for assembly @Metalex
X-Ray Transport/Optics/Diagnostics
Design for gas attenuator is maturing prototype results very nice Incorporate gas fluorescence intensity monitor in the middle of attenuator Offset mirrors issues Radiation safety Must proceed to specification and order
X-Ray Experiment Systems
Layout of experiments influenced by recent thought within LUSI teams Diffractive deflection of x-ray beam to each of several set-ups Deflectors in the FEE Radiation safety Passing XR beam through a hutch to a downstream experiment Analogous to some experience at SSRL
M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J 2006 2007 2008
LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line Drive-Laser Commissioning undulator hall ready LTU/und. Install First FEL Light Drive-Laser Install linac/BC2 Install First Spont. Light M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J 2006 2007 2008 June 2006 Gun/Inj./BC1 Install (8/21 – 1/5) Gun/Inj./BC1 Commissioning linac/BC2 Commissioning FEL Comm. LTU/undulator Commissioning Revised June 7, 2006 – P. Emma
Civil Construction Turner Project Executive: Bill Jangraw
Jacobs Contract Administrator: Jim Cranston Proposed construction schedule: Beampath installation can begin November 2007 Beam Transport Hall Undulator Hall Front End Near Hall Press-fit to funding profile (M. Reichanadter presentation) but- Contingency inadequate for this stage of Project
Research Yard/FFTB ready for Turner to start
Civil Construction Research Yard/FFTB ready for Turner to start Just in time for Turner mobilization 11 September: Alpine Road Gate will be dedicated construction entrance
Research Yard Ready for Start of Beam Transport Hall Construction- 28 August 2006
Group #1 packages awarded, with exception of fire protection
Civil Construction Group #1 packages awarded, with exception of fire protection Low bidder raised bid by $400K, claiming a misunderstanding of seismic requirements for support of sprinkler hardware May re-bid
2-story CLOC out to bid in two groups
Schedule to get bids by 9/28/06 for CLOC (Bid Group #3) 10/3/06 for CLOC (Bid Group #4) About 180 qualified bidders
Bid Group 2 Estimate was $6.2M – adjusted bids sum to $9.9M
Site walls shifted from bid group #1 to #2 Est.= $820K , Award=$702K Low bidder on metal buildings - dropped out 2nd bidder higher by $800K Will re-bid Bidder response disappointing Despite extended bid deadline Despite extra effort for outreach 5 packages with one bid No bids for ceramic tile, signage
LCLS Projected Total Civil Construction Costs
$104.6 award of all bid packages Based on market experience for bid groups 1+2 Added $1M for metal buildings Assuming re-bid does not help Extrapolated to 2-floor CLOC (bid groups 3+4) 2-floor CLOC estimate: Apply market correction from bid groups 1+2 to 3-floor CLOC Subtract $3M (trying to be conservative here)
Experience at LLNL Actual results for $5M buildings built at LLNL
Similarly spartan office buildings for project teams Price is fixed, bidders propose square footage No award will be made
Clear Evidence of Recent Change in Marketplace
LLNL information is about as close to a physics experiment as one can get Same building specifications Same contracting Same location Bidders’ perceived risk MUST be low Different year
$597/gsf Project Office extrapolation, in contingency analysis
CLOC Cost Estimate Jacobs: $250/gsf Cost of external HVAC and site preparation not included here (it was in other bid packages) 3rd floor minimally occupiable 2-Story CLOC is 49,100 gsf $597/gsf Project Office extrapolation, in contingency analysis
Contingency Analysis from 7 February Lehman Review
Contingency Analysis 15 June 2006
Contingency Analysis 29 August 2006
Reduced deficit due to Reduced TEC (increased contingency) $2.5M Estimated CF hard cost estimate reduced $1.3M Technical sys. contingency reduced to 20% $3.0M Foreseen draws on contingency not shown here $5.4M
Estimate to Complete Still Underway
$5M potential growth from tech. areas Still struggling to economize Some scope reductions are still possible Reduce R&D effort in FY $3.6M Aggressive de-staffing in FY $4M-7M potential Still needs detailed scrutiny Bid results will determine Extremity of measures to close gap
Near Term Strategy Beam Path & CLOC VE items identified (but not yet in contingency analysis): additional $1.0M - $1.5M Directed Jacobs to implement VE immediately Incorporate VE with Turner, post-award
Working on Planning Transit to Operations
45 FTE’s 44 FTE’s 46 FTE’s Annualized
Preparations for commissioning the injector
Summary Injector and Bunch Compressor 1 will be ready for commissioning in January Preparations for commissioning the injector Address engineering, physics, operations, safety Undulator Systems Coming Together X-Ray Front End design maturing NO COMPROMISE to capability of FEL
Facing a very tough decision on CLOC scope
Summary Facing a very tough decision on CLOC scope Financial impact versus CLOC functionality Civil Construction organized, prepared to start DOE/SLAC/LCLS must rapidly choose a course of action for CLOC construction
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