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Creation of B.C.. British Columbia: From Colony to Province 1850s great change on Pacific Coast Agriculture community established on Vancouver Island.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation of B.C.. British Columbia: From Colony to Province 1850s great change on Pacific Coast Agriculture community established on Vancouver Island."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation of B.C.

2 British Columbia: From Colony to Province 1850s great change on Pacific Coast Agriculture community established on Vancouver Island to stop USA expansion HBC looked after area (agent-monopoly) HBC was responsible for settling area HBC dominant force James Douglas: Chief Officer of area

3 James Douglas

4 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Settlement grew slowly Main economies were: 1. Farming 2. Fur Trading 3. Mining- 1 st economic boom in B.C. (Gold Rush)

5 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush Prospectors worked there way North looking for gold 1857, prospectors find gold on the Fraser River 25,000 adventurers arrive

6 Gold Rush Prospector

7 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush Governor Douglas was alarmed with all of the Americans coming. He does 3 things: 1. He declared that all miners needed a license 2. Blockade entrance to Fraser to check all incoming shipping 3. Appointed Justice of Peace and police force

8 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush: Aboriginals upset 1858, armed opposition to new arrivals 200 miners gather at Boston Bar to force their way through the blockade 30 Aboriginals killed before Douglas could arrive. Douglas settles the Aboriginals down and the Gold Rush continues.

9 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush 1858: Britain declares B.C. as a new colony Douglas is the 1 st Governor.

10 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush Moves further North Miners collect $200 a day in gold The majority of the gold had to be separated from gravel by sluicing.

11 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush: Reaching remote mine fields was a problem Douglas builds a wagon road 1865: road opens. It stretches 640km, from Yale to Bakerville It cost $1, 250, 000 Travelers had to pay tolls

12 British Columbia: From Colony to Province Gold Rush: Results Represents settlement in B.C. Farmers found market for produce Merchants couldnt keep up stock Coal production increased Transportation network was created Small towns developed Government develops 2 colonies developed Vancouver Island and B.C.

13 British Columbia: From Colony to Province British Columbia enters Confederation 1866: B.C. and Vancouver Island unite Became known as British Columbia B.C. was feeling squeezed with Dominion of Canada moving further west and the USA in Alaska Residents had to decide: USA or Canada

14 British Columbia: From Colony to Province British Columbia enters Confederation Reasons for USA: 1. USA had transcontinental railway 2. Merchants wanted to be part of big market-even sent a petition to USA President. However, the majority wanted to be part of Canada

15 British Columbia: From Colony to Province British Columbia enters Confederation Amor De Cosmos favoured union with Canada but wanted best deal 1870: delegation sent to Ottawa What delegates wanted: 1. Delegates wanted Canada to take over their debt 2. Road going west from Fort Garry

16 British Columbia: From Colony to Province British Columbia enters Confederation How Canada responds: 1. Canada promises to build a railway within 10 years 2. B.C. would receive a sizeable annual subsidy to cover their debt Result: July 19 th, 1871 B.C. joins Canada and becomes the 6 th province

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