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Phylum Porifera.

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1 Phylum Porifera

2 Kingdom Animalia (animals)
Phylum Porifera (sponges) Classes: Calcarea (calcerous sponges - having spicules), Demospongiae (horn sponges, like the bath sponge), Scleropongiae (coralline or tropical reef sponges), and Hexactinellida (glass sponges).

3 Sponges A. Most primitive of all multicellular animals B. Adults are sessile C. Porifera 1. means “pore-bearing” 2. tiny pores used to food from the water 2. Why classified as animals and not plants? A. 2 reasons 1. sponge cells lack cell walls 2. sponges are heterotrophic

4 B. Differences between sponges and other animals
1. sponge cells are not organized into recognizable organs 2. believed to have evolved separately from other animals 3. Sponge structure A. Sponges use different types of cells for different purposes 1. collar cells a. whip like flagella that beat water through the body wall into the central cavity

5 b. also snag food particles from water
2. amebocytes a. wandering cells b. digest and distribute food c. produce components of the sponge skeleton 3. spicules a. crystal like spikes support its body b. made of CaCO3 or SiO2 c. can interlock for rigid network 4. spongin a. protein which also supports the body b. soft, flexible, elastic = “spongy”


7 4. Reproduction A. Sexual 1. produce sperm and eggs 2. released into the water and hope it finds its way to another sponge 3. if sperm and egg meet it is free swimming until it lands then becomes sessile B. Asexual 1. budding – piece of sponge falls off and grows into a new sponge

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