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AP ECONOMICS: November 14

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1 AP ECONOMICS: November 14
A.P. Economics Learning Target #1 In order to gain an understanding of the inflation-unemployment tradeoff, I will learn about the Phillips Curve (PC). I will know I have it when I can: (1) draw an appropriately labeled Phillips Curve; and (2) relate changes in the short-run Phillips Curve (SRPC) to changes in aggregate demand in the LRAS-AS-AD Model. Warm-up: Using the LRAS-AD-AS and Phillips model, show the economy going into recession (caused by deficient D) from full employment and then self-correcting. Label the original intersection “A”, recession “B”, & self-correction “C”. --conclude going over Activity 34.2 (HO from yesterday) --Phillips Curve Quiz A.P. Economics Learning Target #2 In order to understand the concept and meaning of long-run economic growth, I will examine how growth occurs. I will know I have it when I can: (1) list the determinants causing economic growth; (2) explain how public policies can influence long-run growth; and (3) draw an LRAS-AS-AD graph showing long-run economic growth. --Mr. Clifford on “GROWTH!” (video guide—HO) Growth! Assignment: --read Module 42 --watch videos at Mr. Clifford’s web site (AC-DC Economics) FRQs #8 & #9 are on FRIDAY

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