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Helena Ramsing, Zoe Fisher, Monika Hartl

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1 ESH support – current challenges and solutions for MV (DEMAX) and site (SULF
Helena Ramsing, Zoe Fisher, Monika Hartl European Spallation Source ERIC Date

2 Medicon Village Laboratories (NOW)
What is in place: Laboratory Work at Medicon Village is ongoing Rules and procedures for Lab work at MV in place (since 2014) ESS : General Safety Regulations ESS Chemical Lab Swedish Legislation: AFS 1997:10 replaced by AFS 2011:19 (kemiska arbetsmiljörisker) Alcohol regulations & inventory Chemistry Lab Introduction according to ESS : Lab workers read all documents, give emergency & general contact information Safety walk-down with checklist (incl: location of emergency exit/fire extinguisher/ showers/eyewash etc.) Experimental safety sheet required for laboratory work, used as communication in lab used by multiple people to inform what is being done, chemicals involved etc. Waste removal is set-up (STENA) * This is implemented and working well, benchmarked to the norm at other user facilities.

3 Medicon Village Laboratories (now)
ESH is missing competence for chemical safety – a position for a chemical safety officer has been posted Need support to discuss safety issues at MV as MV does not trust ESS scientists/technicians when it comes to matters outside their experience Work is stopped with no clear way ahead (e.g. glass blowing/hydrogen work) We are being asked to change our way of assessing hazards and risk and replace them by methods that are not suitable to the kind of work we do INSTEAD we need support in extending our current system to be able to continue to work Safety paperwork at ESH is currently undergoing many changes to adapt to the true needs of ESS – trying to follow each change of requirements is not feasible as we do not have someone dedicated to only do safety work (for chemistry labs) Laser safety procedure has existed for 5 years at ESS, since retirement of the laser safety officer it still has not been decided how to go forward (RAMAN laser)

4 Medicon Village - future
Need continuous support for required safety walk-downs Need support to potentially introduce new equipment/gas cylinder to the lab that is considered non-standard for MV Need continuous support to keep paperwork & procedures up to date with Swedish legislation (e.g. flammables, CMR tracking requirements, chemical labeling)

5 ESS laboratories Status: we are planning to use current system but update the paperwork for wben we work on site Laboratory Work at Medicon Village (rules and procedures for Lab work at MV) General Safety Regulations ESS Chemical Lab (ESS ) – this will be extended to cover general hazards in the ESS laboratories Swedish Legislation: AFS 2011:19 (kemiska arbetsmiljörisker) Alcohol regulations Chemistry Lab Introduction according to ESS : - this will be extended to make the connection to the user program software/proposals We need expert support in: -medium pressure safety (gas cylinder safety) -laser safety as a new laser safety officer needs to be determined -radiation surveys for commercial X-ray machines (yearly) -waste removal from site (STENA?)

6 General issues “summary”
We need support to help us by We need someone to assist us in keeping up to date when new legislation applies to us and to help us understand & implement what applies to us We cannot spend extensive time trying to understand safety requirements from the law ourselves (Swedish work environment authority) We need support in applying for licenses for special materials (e.g. mercury) We need prompt support in assessing Work Hazard Analysis documents (ESH is part of review) We need a checks-and-balance system between us (wanting to work) and ESH (wanting to make sure we are safe) to come to a balanced work environment

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