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What is Justice?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Justice?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Justice?

2 Justice comes from the word Just; described as having a basis in conforming (being in compliance) to do what is morally and legally right. Webster describes Justice as the administration of what is Just and the administration of law, fairness and righteousness

3 Justice Words that Describe Justice:

4 Impartiality, Fairness, Righteousness, Even handedness, Honesty, Integrity

5 Validity, Truthfulness, Rightfulness, suitability, adequacy, tolerability, Reasonableness, Acceptable

6 justice in the past and a society without justice
People guided by their feelings An eye for an eye Anarchy

7 Justice Today Why do we need Criminal Justice?
Why do victims need justice? Why do defendants need Justice?


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