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Code Blocks, Closures, and Continuations

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1 Code Blocks, Closures, and Continuations
Presented by: Bassem ELkarablieh

2 Outline Getting Started with ruby Some ruby syntax Ruby classes
More ruby syntax New concepts in ruby

3 Getting Started Ruby is a dynamic, fully object-oriented scripting language. Installing ruby: One click windows installation (takes 5 min to setup ruby) Running ruby Interactive ruby (irb) Batch ruby (run program files)

4 Getting Started Ruby documentation What did we learn
Using the ri tool What did we learn

5 Some ruby Syntax Ruby is fully OO Variable definition
Every thing is an object (even literals) “hello”.length “bassem”.index(“e”) -88.abs Variable definition Number = 5 Number = “5” Number = “five” Delimiters: no ending ”;” is required

6 Some ruby Syntax Simple I/O Conditions
Puts: write the value to the output with new line character appended Gets: reads the value from standard input A = gets puts “Hello I am “ + A Conditions If else blocks If A>8 puts “greater” Else Puts “smaller” end

7 Some ruby Syntax Looping Control structures While block
While line = gets Puts line.uppercase End For … In blocks For I in 1..7 Print I, “ “ Control structures Break, redo, next , retry

8 Some ruby Syntax Assignment Parallel Assignment Method definition
a = b = 1+2+3 Instrument = “piano” Instrument [“ano”] = “ccolo” Parallel Assignment a,b = 6,7 Method definition def my_method(arg1,arg2,arg3) #this is a comment and code Def What did we learn

9 Classes in Ruby Initializer Instance variable Class variables
Instance methods Class methods Attributes operators Access controls

10 Classes in ruby Demo of a class

11 More ruby syntax Containers Code blocks Iterators

12 Containers Arrays Indexing an array A= [56,”hello”,99.66,”ll”] Un-initialized members of an array are set to nil Indexing an array A[0] ->56 , A[-1] =“ll” A[1,1] ->[“hello”] A[0..2]-> [56,”hello”,99.66]

13 Containers Hashes H ={‘dog’=>’canine’, ‘cat’ => ’feline’, ’bird’ => ‘duck’} H.length => 3, h[‘dog’] =>’canine’ H[12] = ‘hello’, H[‘cat’] =99

14 Code Blocks Chucks of code that can be associated with method invocations Great methods for implementing callbacks Great tool for implementing iterators Code blocks are flexible , and can be passed parameters Great tool for implementing closures and continuations

15 Code Blocks Code block can be stored between{} or between do…end blocks Def my_method puts “hello” yield End my_method{puts “world”} Code block parameters differ from method parameters Def say_goodnight(name) puts “good night, #{name}” Yield (“sweet dreams”) Say_goodnight(“bassem”){|i| print i}

16 Iterators Built in iterators in ruby uses code block to support general plug-in architecture Examples 5.times{print “*”} 3.upto(6) {|i| print i} (‘a’..’z’).each{|char| print char} [‘cat’,’dog’,’horse’].each{|name| print name} [1,3,5,7,9].find{|v| v*v>3} [“H”,”A”,”L”].collect{|x| x.succ} [1,3,5,7].inject(0){|sum,element| sum+element}

17 New concepts in ruby Closures Continuations Dynamic manipulations

18 Closures A closure is a function created by a program at run time. This idea is written as a function that appears entirely within the body of another function. The nested, inner function may refer to local variables of the outer function. A closure can be used to represent a delayed user defined behavior that can be passed around in methods and objects

19 Closures Closure simulations
C: function pointers, void* parameters C++: Functors C# and java: Anonymous classes and methods Ruby have a special built-in Proc class that simplifies implementing closures

20 Proc Class Proc objects are blocks of code that have been bound to a set of local variables, once bound the code can be called from different context. Example: Def gen_times(factor) return{|n| n*factor} End Times3 = gen_times(3) Times5 = gen_times(5)

21 Proc Objects Proc objects can be created by associating a code block with it Example Def proc_from End Proc = proc_from{“hello”}

22 Code blocks as closures
Example1 Def n_times (thing) Return lambda {|n| thing*n} End # here lambda returns a Proc object associated with the code block P1 = n_times(23) P2 = n_times(“hello”)

23 Code blocks as closures
Example2 Songlist = Class JukeboxButton<Button Def initialize(label,&action) Super(label) @action = action End Def button_pressd Start_button =“start”){songlist.start} pause_button =“pause”){songlist.pause}

24 Continuations Continuations are objects that lets you save system state, and then return to that state on command Code blocks defines the universe in a continuation

25 Continuations A continuation object saves the execution state( mainly the execution stack) A continuation is created using a call to a Kernel method “callcc” which associates a continuation to a code block Similar to Proc object , continuations are triggered using a “call” method

26 Callcc method Generates a continuation object , which it passes to the associated block Performing a will use the callcc to return The value returned by callcc is the value of the block or the value passed to

27 Continuations Example1 Calloc do|cont| For i in 0..4 print “\n#{i}:”
for j in i*5 … (i+1)*5 if (j==7) print j end End

28 Continuation Objects Callcc return values implicitly
Callcc{|cont|} Callcc{|cont| 1} Callcc{|cont| 1,2,3} Callcc return values Explicitly Callcc{|cont| return cont}

29 Continuations Example2 Def strange calloc {|cont| return cont}
print “back to method” End Print “before method” Temp = strange() Print “after method” If( Temp)

30 Continuations Example3 Def loop for i in 1..5 puts I
callcc{|cont| return cont} if i==2 end return nil End Puts “before loop” Temp = loop() Puts “after loop call” If( Temp) Puts “after continuation call”

31 Done Final demo Any Questions

32 What's next in ruby Ruby types Ruby methods Ruby Expressions

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