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Nanotechnology projects & applications Lecture 5.

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1 Nanotechnology projects & applications Lecture 5

2 Frontiers of nanotechnology from Asia-Pacific Nanotech Forum (Tsukuba, 2002)

3 The vision and strategy of the US national nanotechnology initiative M.C. Roco US national science foundation

4 History 1981 –able to measure the size of an atom cluster on a surface (IBM, Zurich) 1991 –able to move atoms on surface (IBM, Almaden) 2002 –able to assemble the molecules by physically positioning the component atoms

5 Nanotechnology National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) –Long-term visionary program since 01/2000 –22 departments and independent agencies –961 million (2004) Government investments worldwide ~ 4 billion –international collaborations and competitions

6 NNI nanotechnology Definition –Nanotechnology is working - measuring, manipulating and controlling - at the atomic, molecular and supramolecular levels, at a length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nm, in order to understand and create materials, devices, and systems with fundamentally new properties and functions because of their small structures.

7 table 4.1


9 Commercialization 1st generation (commercialized) –passive nanostructure applied in coatings, nanoparticles, bulk materials (nanostructured metals, polymers and ceramics) –towards systematic design method 2nd generation –active nanostructure transistors, amplifier,targeted drugs and chemicals, and adaptive structures (~2005)

10 Commercialization 3rd generation –systems of nanosystems 3D features, heterogeneous nanocomponents specific assembly techniques (such as bio-assembly, networking at the nanoscale, new architectures) ~2010 4th generation –molecular nanosystems nanodevices, biomimetics and new molecular designs (~2020)

11 Nanotechnology for the next generation T.Nakahara & T. Imai Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.

12 Policies Similar projects from –Nanocarbon materials –nanoelectronics –nanobiomaterials Others? –Diamond nanoemitter project

13 Targets Size!

14 Small size effect Compressed ferrous alloy powder –due to resonance: high electromagnetic wave adsorption in the microwave frequency region –adjust particle shape and metal composition: different absorption peak from 0.5 ~ 5G Hz –For small and precise communication mobilephones, PC, etc.


16 Nano size effect Nanomaterial: diamond –rigid atomic structure high hardness, high thermal conductivity and high acoustic velocity –semiconductor properties apply as semiconductor devices, optical devices, electron emission devices –fabrication and synthesis technology manufactured very precisely in a controlled manner


18 Applications Triode vacuum tube (~2000°C) VS. micro vacuum triode (~30°C)

19 Vacuum Microelectronic Device (VMD)

20 Next generation applications for polymeric nanofibres T.C. Lim and S.Ramakrishna National University of Singapore

21 Polymeric fibres Targets –high tensile modulus and tensile strength –UV resistance, electrical conductivity, biodegradability –typical: 1-100 m in diameter Nanofibres –decrease in pore size, a drop in structural defects, enhanced physical behaviour

22 Nanofibres applications –Polymer composite reinforcement the moduli and fracture resistance improvement in epoxy resin (300 nm PBI fibres) –Electrical conductors electrochemical rxn rate electrodes surface area conductive nanofibrous membrane for electrostatic dissipation, corrosion protection, electromagnetic interface shielding… –Sensors huge surface area increases the sensitivity

23 Biomedical applications Medical prostheses –reduce stiffness mismatch / prevent fracture a gradient fibrous structure at the tissue/device interface Tissue engineering scaffolds –biocompatible with the native tissue structure –design 3D scaffold of synthetic biodegradable matrices that provide temporary templates for cell seeding, invasion, proliferation and differentiation

24 Biomedical applications Drug delivery –polymeric nanofibres (drug + carrier) increase dissolution rate increase surface area Wound dressing –biodegradable polymeric fibres spray aids the formation of normal skin growth prevent the formation of scar tissue non-woven nanofibrous membranes with pore (500~1000 nm)

25 Filtration applications Filter media –Nano-fabrication of nano filter media higher filter efficiency at equal pressure drop –NonWoven Technologies Inc. of Georgia thin-plate die technology for submicron fibres –Electrospinning process

26 Filtration applications Protective clothing –lightweight, breathable fabric, permeable to air and water vapour, insoluble in solvents and highly reactive with nerve gases and other chemical agents –military? electrospun nanofibres prevent lower impedance to moisture vapour diffusion and maximum efficiency in trapping aerosol particles as compared to conventional textiles

27 Application of nanomaterials G.Z. Cao University of Washington, Seattle

28 Nanomaterial application based on –peculiar physical properties gold nanoparticles used as inorganic dye to introduce colors into glass and as low temp. catalyst –huge surface area mesoporous titania for photoelectrochemical cells and nanoparticles for sensors –small size offer extra possibilities for manipulation and room for accommodation multiple functionalities

29 Catalysis by gold nanoparticles Catalyst –Clean gold nanoparticles are extremely active in the oxidation of CO if deposited on partly reactive oxides (e.g. MnO 2 ). –Extraordinary high activity for partial oxidation of hydrocarbons, hydrogeneration of unsaturated hydrocarbons, and No x. –The 6s 2 and 5d electrons helps!

30 Gold catalysts Essential requirements: –small particle size (< 4 nm) –use of reactive support –particles in intimate contact with the support carefully designed chemical functionality of the ligand shell (not the potential catalytic activity of a nanostructured clean metal surface)

31 Band gap engineered quantum device Band gap engineering –synthetic tailoring of band gaps with the intent to create unusual electronic transport and optical effects –most of the devices based on semiconductor nanostructures are band gap engineered quantum devices

32 Quantum well device Quantum well lasers –III-V semiconductors GaAs or GaAsP –lower threshold current –lower spectra width –single or multiple quantum wells allow the possibility of independently varying barriers and cladding layer compositions and widths higher threshold carrier and current densities for single quantum well lasers


34 Quantum well device Light emitting diodes (LED) –Based on nanostructures of wide-band gap –quantum well heterostructure configuration –II-VI semiconductor materials ZnSe or ZnTe –direct energy band gap to achieve high internal radiative efficiency

35 Quantum dot device The key parameter that controls the wavelength is the dot size –large sized dots emit at longer wavelength quantum dot heterostructures synthesis –molecular beam epitaxy ( ) at the initial stages of strained heteroepitaxial growth via the laser-island or Stranski-Krastanov growth model

36 Quantum dot device Quantum dot lasers –ultralow-threshold current densities –low sensitivity to temperature variations Quantum dot detectors –not sensitive to normal-incident light

37 Nanomechanics Cantilevers ( ) –a nanomechanical sensor device for detecting chemical interactions between binding partners on the cantilever surface and in its environment –detection modes static, dynamic, heat –AFM applications


39 Photoelectrochemical cells Also photovoltaic cells or solar cells device –need for higher conversion efficiency of solar energy to electrical power –silicon-based p-n junction materials or other heterojunction materials –InGaP/GaAs (~20% efficiency) –difficulties: high cost of production, expensive equipment, necessary clean-room facilities

40 Other photoelectrochemical cells ORegan and Grätzel, 1991 –dye-sensitized solar cell –low product cost device with >10% efficiency –Sol-gel-derived titania films with a crystal structure of anatase and mesoporous structure –porous nanocrystalline TiO 2 film + efficient light-absorbing dye

41 dye-sensitized solar cell Mechanism –TiO 2 functions as a electron-capturing and electron-transporting material –the dye adsorbed to TiO 2 is exposed to a light source, absorbs photons upon exposure, and injects electrons into the conduction band of the TiO 2 electrode Nanostructure –large surface area

42 TiO 2 film Methods –Chemical vapor deposition –Gas-phase hydrothermal crystallization –Powder compression –Sol-Gel (coating?) efficiency –~ <10%

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