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Introducing the Climate Finance Network

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Climate Finance Network"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Climate Finance Network
March 6, 2019 Bangkok, Thailand

2 What is it? a knowledge management and technical support facility to identify and support climate finance innovations in the region and facilitate, accelerate and scale up these innovations The CFN will share cutting-edge knowledge from on-going reforms that are taking place at the country level across the Asia –Pacific Region, building off of learnings from CPGD and other programmes.

3 What will it do? More and improved knowledge is made available to countries to more effectively and equitably manage climate finance in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Knowledge portal/ products /communications materials/ dialogues / trainings More south – south cooperation and technical assistance is provided to enable increased capacity to access and manage climate finance equitably system enhancements, decision-making tools and policy options/ S-S Cooperation Support is provided to networks/ partners / partnerships to institutionalize learnings on climate finance from the CFN into their mandates and programming technical tools/ knowledge products of regional partners and networks that integrate climate finance reforms / partnership proposals

4 What does it hope to achieve?
More and improved knowledge is generated by countries and for countries and made available for more effective and equitable climate finance management. Ministries of Finance increase their technical capacity and commitment to take forward the climate change agenda. More south-south cooperation and technical assistance is facilitated to increase capacity to access and manage climate finance equitably. More public and private investment is mobilized and leveraged to combat climate change.

5 Where will it work? - Afghanistan - Bangladesh - Cambodia - Fiji - Nepal - Pakistan - Thailand - Tonga - India - Indonesia - Vanuatu

6 How will it work? UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub in partnership with YOU!

7 6 Core Themes Climate Change and Domestic Budget Reform
Direct Access to International Climate Finance Innovative Climate Change Financing Gender and Social Inclusion in Climate Change Finance Transparency and Accountability in Climate Change Finance Modelling Climate Impacts on Economic Growth

8 Thank you!

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