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Early Childhood Education

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Presentation on theme: "Early Childhood Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Childhood Education
What if they are not ready?

2 Invest in Early Childhood
1970’s Advertisement Invest in Early Childhood

3 1970’s Abecedarian Project
Is Early Childhood Education Worth the Investment?

4 1970’s Abecedarian Project
Children projected to make roughly $143,000 more over their lifetimes. Mothers of children enrolled earn about $133,000 more over their lifetimes. School districts save more than $11,000 per child because participants are less likely to require special or remedial education.

5 Need More Proof? Higher cognitive test scores from the toddler years to age 21. Academic achievement in both reading and math was higher. More likely to attend a four-year college. Older, on average, when their first child was born. Enhanced language development appears to have been instrumental in raising cognitive test scores. Mothers achieved higher educational and employment status. These results were especially pronounced for teen mothers. 

6 Brain Development

7 Children Who Do Not Participate in Quality Care Are:
50% more likely to be placed in special education . 25% more likely to drop out of school. 60% more likely to never attend college. 70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime. 40% more likely to become a teen parent. 

8 Child Development vs. Public Expenditure

9 Is Early Childhood Education
Worth the Investment?

10 What does ready look like?



13 Is our region going to thrive if only 52% are ready for school?


15 Will she be ready?

16 Our Community Leaders Are Investing In Readiness Standards

17 To Reach Our Learner Outcomes
Problem Solving Self Motivation Strong Communication Courtesy and Respect Adaptability/Innovation Learn from Mistakes/Resiliency

18 WE MUST BEGIN 0 – 5!

19 Every Learner, Any Place, Any Time

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