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City life vs country life.

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Presentation on theme: "City life vs country life."— Presentation transcript:

1 City life vs country life

2 Look at the pictures below, describe them and think about advantages and disadvantages of living in a city.

3 city









12 Read the phrases below and decide which of them are pluses and which of them are minuses of the city life.

13 High pollution levels Noise Traffic jams Easy to find a job Open- minded people

14 Many schools Many hospitals Hectic lifestyle Lots of entertainment facilities High crime rate

15 Good public transport system
Unfriendly people Many interesting places Many museums

16 Great shopping facilities
Exciting nightlife Crowded streets Heavy traffic Noisy neighbours

17 Would you like to live in a city?
Why? Why not?

18 Look at the pictures below, describe them and think about advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.

19 country





24 Read the phrases below and decide which of them are pluses and which of them are minuses of the country life.

25 Close to nature A great sense of freedom A splendid opportunity to up bring your children in picturesque and healthy surroundings Poor entertainment Poor public transport

26 Curious neighbours Friendly people Low crime rate Few schools/hospitals Relaxing Healthy Monotonous Isolated

27 No variety of jobs Unemployment Intruding people Poor education opportunities

28 Would you like to live in the country? Why? Why not?

29 Where would you like to live in 5 years?
In the country? In a city? In a town? Give your reasons.

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