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Unity Game Development

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1 Unity Game Development
Advanced Animation

2 Class overview Class 8 Revision Import & Setup Character
Import & Setup Weapon Import & Setup Animations Bone rotations (Aiming) Animation Masking Inverse Kinematics (IK) Advanced: Impact marking Advanced: Aiming Camera

3 Revision Main Menu Button OnClicked Logic XML Data Localization Data
Localization Code Building .exe Loading scenes & Quitting Advanced: UI selection Advanced: Options menu

4 Import & Setup Character
Create PlayerLogic (Movement, Jumping, …) Add CharacterController Implement Movement

5 Import & Setup Weapon Attach Weapon to right hand bone
Rotate and Position Weapon correctly

6 Import & Setup Animations
Create AnimatorController (Idle, Walk, Run, Strafe, Backwards, …) Setup BlendTree (Add parameters) Set Animation Parameters from Code

7 Bone rotations (Aiming)
Rotate Neck & Shoulder along with X axis of Camera LateUpdate() is called AFTER Animation has been applied

8 Animation Masking Create AvatarMask
Create new AnimationLayer using Mask  Set to Override Apply Reload animation on Top Body

9 Inverse Kinematics (IK)
Set AnimationType to Humanoid Set IK weights, position & rotation

10 Advanced: Impact marking
Use OnCollisionEnter to track point of impact Instantiate a plane on the position where the impact happened

11 Advanced: Aiming Camera
Implement Secondary Camera when Player is Aiming using Left Trigger

12 Q&A Do you have any questions related to the topics mentioned?

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