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An e-Chart for each child FDI World Dental Congress

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Presentation on theme: "An e-Chart for each child FDI World Dental Congress"— Presentation transcript:

1 An e-Chart for each child FDI World Dental Congress
Dr. Clarissa Jane F. Pe FDI World Dental Congress Free Communication Poznan

2 Background Philippine Dental Association
Adopt a School eCharting Program (ASeCP) Republic Act 8525 also known as Adopt A School Act of 1998

3 Background Facts No up-to-date public oral health data Philippines
2011 most recent public oral health data (DoH) FDI 2014 reported: Philippines # 1 in Asia in Caries Incidence PDA Decision: Need to assess the feasibility of fast data collection and statistics processing, using Innovative approach data collection in field Online data processing

4 Purpose ASeCP Prove Philippine feasibility
Fast large scale public oral health surveys Digital tool Organizational approach Feasibility study population 42 public elementary schools nationwide +/- 8,000 pupils 90 volunteer dentists trained in eCharting Ultimate objective Regularly scheduled large scale public oral health surveys Annual trends of population at large

5 ASeCP What it is Approach for achievable mass-scale charting of populations Organizational format (training) Digital eCharting tool (online, remote access) Oral data gathering Instant statistics processing What is not (yet) Academic epidemiological study

6 Indicators in the database

7 eCharting indicators Baseline and Work done For permanent teeth D M F
For temporary teeth d f ICDAS 1-6 for permanent and for temporary teeth Preventive therapies for permanent and for temporary teeth Sealant Varnish

8 eCharting indicators (2)
Baseline and Work done (cont’d) Miscellaneous oral disease conditions for permanent and for temporary teeth Decubital ulcer Periodontal problem Gingivitis Abscess

9 eCharting indicators (3)
Work proposed Curative therapies for permanent teeth F E Curative therapies for temporary teeth f xt xt-rtt Preventive therapies for permanent and temporary teeth Sealant Varnish

10 eCharting indicators (4)
Work proposed (cont’d) Preventive full mouth oral hygiene therapies for permanent teeth Oral prophylaxis Preventive full mouth oral hygiene therapies for temporary teeth Fluoride treatment

11 eCharting indicators (5)
Behavioral Own tooth brush # / day brushing Tooth paste while brushing # / year brush change # / year dentist visit

12 Filters on the database

13 eCharting filters Graphs are extracted by setting filters: Geography
National Region Province Chapter City School Grade level / Section M / F Time (dormant) year X year Y

14 Output examples

15 Baseline + Work done

16 Baseline + Work done (2)

17 Baseline + Work done (3)

18 Baseline + Work done (4) Example comparison Region 3 Region 7

19 Baseline + Work done (5)

20 Baseline + Work done (6)

21 Baseline + Work done (7)

22 Work Proposed

23 Work Proposed (2)

24 Work Proposed (3)

25 Work Proposed (4)

26 Work Proposed (5) Preventive: Sealant, Varnish

27 Work Proposed (6)

28 Behavioral

29 Behavioral (2)

30 And now …

31 Conclusion Conclusion: Feasible
The requirement for large scale public oral health surveys was met in full by the: Deployed digital eCharting tool Applied organizational approach

32 Recommendation Next steps Validate approach
Calibrate surveying dentists Optimize eCharting tool Scale up surveyed population (integrate initiatives) So that ultimately Regularly scheduled large scale public oral health surveys are conducted, and Annual trends of population at large be monitored

33 Recommendation (2) Stake holders PDA Department of Education
Department of Health Yet to be determined Multi-year program and schedule of scale up Partners for scale up

34 Thank you ! Q & A

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