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LIFTing LEGO with RELISH: Lexicon Interchange FormaT in Use Helen Aristar-Dry Institute for Language Information and Technology Eastern Michigan U.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFTing LEGO with RELISH: Lexicon Interchange FormaT in Use Helen Aristar-Dry Institute for Language Information and Technology Eastern Michigan U."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIFTing LEGO with RELISH: Lexicon Interchange FormaT in Use Helen Aristar-Dry Institute for Language Information and Technology Eastern Michigan U

2 Outline Background: The RELISH project The LEGO project Project interface Project workflow LIFT: Lexicon Interchange Format What it is Use in the LEGO project (LL-LIFT) Sample entry: comparison with LMF- compliant XML output by LEXUS

3 The RELISH Project RELISH: Rendering Endangered Lexicons Interoperable through Standards Harmonization Joint project: U of Frankfurt, MPI-Nijmegen, LINGUIST List Goal: markup harmonization at two levels Semantic Structural Test cases: 6 lexicons fr. LEGO & Lexus

4 RELISH: MPI, ILIT and Lexicon Standards


6 LEGO & RELISH LEGO Test Lexicons LEXUS Test Lexicons - LL-LIFT - GOLD - LMF-compliant XML (various) - ISOCats RELISH Interchange format: TEI? LIFT?

7 The LEGO Project 3-year project sponsored by the NSF Participants: ILIT (Linguist List) & U at Buffalo Goal: a datanet of interoperable lexicons. Interoperability based on: grammatical information mapped to GOLD structure mapped to a common schema (LL-LIFT) output in RDF

8 The LEGO Project Initial set of lexical resources: 17 EL lexicons prepared by LINGUIST List: Shoshone, Archi, Kayardild, Fulfulde, Mocovi, Biao Mien, Potawatomi, Saliba, W. Pantar, W. Sissala, Wichi, … 3000+ wordlists prepared by U at Buffalo: Usher-Whitehouse lists, Loanword Typology Lists, Intercontinental Dictionary Series lists. Extensible: In practice: to Lexicons in LIFT Possibly: RDF, TEI (or another official serialization of LMF)

9 The LEGO Project Purposes Not intended to develop a lexicon creation or lexicon display tool Intended to support multi-lexicon search and comparison demonstrate the value of digital standards in linguistic research

10 LL Descriptive XML LL-LIFT (XML) LEGO db mapping to GOLD LEGO Workflow LEGO Interoperable Lexicon AccessLexicon - MS WordExcelToolboxFilemaker

11 LEGO:

12 LEGO Browse Lexicons Page

13 LEGO: Lexicon homepage

14 LEGO: Browse Lexicon Entries


16 Demonstration of Interoperability: LEGO Search

17 LEGO: Search multiple lexicons by LIFT field (Definition, Example, Variant, etc.

18 LEGO: Search multiple lexicons by grammatical information (GOLD concept).

19 Extending LEGO: Upload Lexicon or Wordlist

20 Map to GOLD: Choose Lexicon to Edit

21 Mapping 1: View lexicons labels for grammatical concepts

22 Mapping 2: Click to view GOLD concepts, Click Add to Map

23 Mapping 4: Lexicon label mapped to GOLD concept

24 Mapping 3: Access GOLD interface (if needed)

25 LIFT LIFT = Lexicon Interchange Format XML format for storing and exchange of lexical information Developed by SIL International Designed to be easy to convert into and out of MDF and Fieldworks formats Current version: standard/downloads/detail?name=lift_13.pdf standard/downloads/detail?name=lift_13.pdf

26 Programs that support LIFT WeSay uses LIFT as its primary format. WeSay FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) can import and export LIFT files. FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) Lexique Pro can open LIFT documents for viewing, printing, and making web pages. It can also save to LIFT format. Lexique Pro (fr.

27 Utilities for LIFT Solid can convert basic SFM (standard format markers, e.g. Toolbox format) to LIFT (see: Solid LiftTweaker Can selectively modify a LIFT file for targeting different audiences LiftTweaker

28 Lexicons in LIFT LIFT chosen as upload format for LEGO because of the large number of lexicons potentially available in LIFT About 50 published lexicons in Lexique Pro 180+ lexicons in Fieldworks Language Explorer (FLEx) ? 300+ lexicons in Shoebox/Toolbox ? With the owners permission, these could easily be integrated into the LEGO system

29 LIFT UML Diagram for Entry

30 Notes Grammatical Info is attached to Sense, not to Entry or Form (differs from LMF) Variant is attached to Entry, not sense – cant add a sense to a variant Multiple senses and variants allowed Highly customizable: Field, Type, and Range can be added to virtually any element (can be defined in the document header)

31 LL-LIFT Lack of constraint on use of Field and Trait constituted a problem for LEGO Developed LL-LIFT a constrained form of LIFT which still validates against the LIFT schema

32 LL-LIFT Major constraints No Header Grammatical Information confined to a single element Delimited within db field Parsed out during GOLD mapping Minor entries, comparison forms, etc separate entries unified via relation element


34 дадагалзаар dadagalzaar doubt Tuva entry in LIFT

35 5155 дадагалзаар n. tvn_5155.mp3 doubt dadagalzaar Tuva entry exported from LEXUS (LMF-compliant)

36 дадагалзаар dadagalzaar doubt LL-LIFT 5155 дадагалзаар n. tvn_5155.mp3 doubt dadagalzaar LMF

37 Summary LL-LIFT = current XML schema used in LEGO Easy to transform (at least one) LMF- compliant XML output of LEXUS to LL- LIFT Transformation could be extended to TEI serialization of LMF. May require constraint

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