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Unit 11: Film Studies HORROR GENRE ( CASEWORK)

2 Horror “Horror is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the audience”. – tsl (2016) Horror films share similar codes and conventions in order to create that scare factor that the audience craves.

3 Nosferatu (1922) - F.W. Murnau
- see trailer

4 Nosferatu (1922) - Visual techniques
Iconography: monsters (vampires), gothic setting (castle), Setting: isolated rural location Narrative: drawn from traditional gothic horror literature - Dracula Character types: doomed victims, misunderstood creatures

5 Nosferatu (1922) Technical techniques
Shot: tilt, close ups, high angle, est/long shot, low angle Camera movement: very little movement due to heaving equipment Editing techniques: seamless, parallel edit, continuity Sound: music

6 The Exorcist (1973) - William Friedkin
- see trailer

7 The Exorcist (1973) Visual techniques
Iconography: supernatural entities (demons), sinister and isolated locations (the steep steps), screaming victims. Setting: Seemingly sleepy town with dark secrets, isolated Narrative: characters are menaced and threatened by supernatural forces Character types: doomed victims, religious figures, disbelieving authority figures

8 The Exorcist (1973) Technical techniques
Shot: high angle, close ups, est/long, low, POV, OTS Camera movement: tracking/panning, handheld Editing techniques: seamless, parallel for most part, experimental Sound: diegetic, dialogue

9 The Ring (2002) - Gore Verbinski
- see trailer

10 The Ring (2002) Visual techniques
Iconography: supernatural entities, sinister locations, screaming victims, Setting: town that hides secrets Narrative: ghost story where characters are menaced and threatened by supernatural forces Character types: misunderstood monster, doomed victims, heroic survivors

11 The Ring (2002) Technical techniques
Shot: OTS, POV, high, low, close up, est/long Camera movement: zoom, handheld, track/pan, Editing techniques: seamless, montage , non traditional, experimental Sound: non-diegetic, diegetic, dialogue

12 Themes – reoccurring thematic questions
From the chosen films there are thematic questions in common; Is everyday reality hiding some sinister supernatural threat? Is there life beyond that which we can see? CCEA (2014)

13 References Tsl (2016) Horror [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 21/10/2016]. Slideshare (2016) camera shots and angles for a horror and thriller film [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 22/10/2016] ImDb (2016) The Exorcist (1973) [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 22/10/2016] ImDb (2016) The Ring (2002) [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 21/10/2016] ImDb (2016) Nosferatu (1922) [Online] Available from: [Accessed on: 21/10/2016] CCEA (2014) Genre Fact Sheet: Horror


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