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Delaware Valley Healthcare Information Management System Society Winter Symposium January 17, 2013 Building an Informatics Model for the Future – Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Delaware Valley Healthcare Information Management System Society Winter Symposium January 17, 2013 Building an Informatics Model for the Future – Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delaware Valley Healthcare Information Management System Society Winter Symposium January 17, 2013 Building an Informatics Model for the Future – Regional Perspectives 8:00-8:40 Registration 8:40-8:45Review Agenda, Jack Hueter, DVHIMSS Board Member 8:45-9:00Welcome, Nancy Bucceri, President, DVHIMSS 9:00-10:00 KEYNOTE Speaker Address Rosemary Kennedy National Quality Forum 10:00-11:00 Clinical Informatics – Retention and Recruitments Judy Kirby Kirby Partners 11:00-11:15 BREAK 11:00-12:00 Speed Date Presentations on Clinical Informatics Updates Various Clinical Informatics Topics (Vendors: Blueprint, Vitalize, Precyse, Greencastle, STI and Encore) Eight minute presentations to wet your appetite on various topics. Following up one-on-ones will be offered during lunch. 12:00-1:15 Lunch Tables set up for one-on-one discussions regarding various topics in the field of Clinical Informatics

2 1:15-2:30 Introduction of Speakers, Dr. Pete White, Ph.D. Clinical Informatics Updates from CHOP Bryan Wolf, M.D., Ph.D. Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Bimal Desai, M.D., M.B.I. Chief Medical Information Officer The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia 2:30– 3:30Panel Discussion – Whats Happening in the World of Clinical Informatics Denise Hammel-Jones RN-BC, MSN,, CLSSBB, CPHIMS, CMQ/OE Consulting Director, Strategic Clinical Consulting Siemens Healthcare Helen Bremford RN-BC, MSN Executive Encore Health Resources Nate Guyton RN, MSN, NEA-BC, CPHIMS Chief Clinical Informatics Officer Mercy Health System 3:30–4:00 Wrap Up

3 Nancy Bucceri, President Email:

4 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Nancy Bucceri IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Denise Hammel-Jones PRESIDENT ELECT Lynne McCone TREASURER Tim Schoener SECRETARY Peg Meadow PROGRAMS VICE PRESIDENT Jack Hueter MEMBERSHIP VICE PRESIDENT Marlowe Schaeffer-Polk COMMITTEE CHAIRS SPONSORSHIP Peter Mercuri HIE LIAISON Donald Levick, M.D. ADVOCACY Joe Miller FINANCE Paul Maurer CO-WEBMASTERS Bruce Marcolongo/Vince Frangiosa DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE Lori Yackanicz Thomas Pacek (former president) Nat e Parker-Guyton Maureen Carrozza



7 1550 Members 750+ inkedin Discussion Group Members Health IT professionals in Eastern PA, Delaware, Greater Philadelphia

8 CommitteeWhat it does.. Programming Plans the content and logistics around our events Finance Oversees finances, files taxes Membership Recruits, oversees membership drives Sponsorship Recruits, oversees sponsor relationships Communications Manages the website, social media and membership communications Advocacy Keeps abreast of government activities around healthcare IT at the local and regional level.

9 Grow personally with education programs that keep you abreast of regional healthcare IT initiatives and current events. Network with your peers so you can develop and nurture professional relationships. Share your passion for advancing the broader adoption of healthcare IT. Grow professionally with opportunities to share your leadership skills, creativity and passion for your work.

10 Education ProgramsSocial NetworkingJoint Programs Healthcares Alphabet Soup – Regional Experience with ACOs and PCMH LVHN, Allentown Post Election Impressions – Tom Leary, Senior Director of Health Affairs, HIMSS Sheraton Valley Forge, King of Prussia Enhancing Practice Value through Meaningful Use & Health IT HIMSS Natl, Valley Forge Stage 2 Meaningful Use A 2 (Acute and Ambulatory) MS Tech Center, Malvern Lessons from the Battlefield to the Boardroom, Brigadier General John Gronski, (Army, retired) The Queen, Wilmington, DE Making Magic with Medicine, Technology and Innovation With NJHIMSS conference, Atlantic City, NJ How Business Intelligence Can Leverage Your Data to Help You Meet Your Goals Dave & Busters, Phila. Healthcare Workforce Trends and Challenges With DVHC, HFMA, HLNDV @ Siemens, Malvern

11 DE-PA HIMSS joint luncheon, @ Mulates Original Cajun Restaurant- March 5, 2013 1-2:30pm HIMSS National Conference, New Orleans


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