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2013 Learning Competency Program Updates

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1 2013 Learning Competency Program Updates
Jaime MacDonald Learning Competency Project Manager Karen Fassio MSL Channel Enablement Manager

2 Agenda Requirement Updates Benefit Updates Target Changes
Enrollment Cadence Meeting Requirements Partner Resources

3 Program Reminders November 1st is the start of the 2013 enrollment year KPI’s are measured based on 4 complete rolling quarters of KPI activity By re-enrollment date (aka anniversary), partners must meet competency requirements including KPIs to continue in the competency

4 2013 Requirements Overview
Category Silver Competency Gold Competency Credentials Employ or contract with two Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs). Renew: Meet Silver Learning competency KPIs. New: Approved Learning Competency Business Assessment Employ or contract with four unique MCTs. New: 1 of the 4 MCTs must be current in one of 3 exams: 70-583, , Renew: Meet Gold Learning competency KPIs. New: Partners must upgrade to gold level—cannot be earned as a new partner in the program Business Assessments Licensing Employ or contract with one person who has passed the Microsoft licensing overview assessment. Sales Employ or contract with one person who has passed the updated Learning competency sales assessment. Sales Employ or contract with two people who have passed the updated Learning competency sales assessment. Customer Evidence One of the following: New: Provide three verifiable customer references. Renew: Participate in Metrics that Matter Upgrade: Provide five verifiable customer references.

5 KPIs for 2013 Enrollment Year November 2012-October 2013
Consumption MOC, DMOC, Custom MOC Community Courseware eLearning Prometric Exam Purchase Quality >75% MOC to MTM – 100% NSAT credit 74-50% MOC to MTM = 90% NSAT credit 49-25% MOC to MTM= 80% NSAT credit <25% MOC to MTM = no NSAT credit Contribution Prometric exam delivery Certiport exam delivery First Look Clinics MCT Survey Reviews 2013 Enrollment Year Consumption MOC, DMOC, Custom MOC Community Courseware eLearning Prometric Exam Purchase Quality >75% MOC to MTM – 100% NSAT credit 74-50% MOC to MTM = 90% NSAT credit 49-25% MOC to MTM= 80% NSAT credit <25% MOC to MTM = no NSAT credit Contribution *NEW: Tech Showcase events: ≤25 attendees = 20 KPI Points per event ≥26 attendees = 50 KPI points per event First Look Clinics— transition to Tech Showcase MCT Survey Reviews Prometric exam delivery Certiport exam delivery

6 Learning Competency Partner Benefits
Benefits available for Silver Competency Benefits available for Gold Competency Same as Silver plus…. Enable Training-use software licenses Training-use software licenses (Gold Level) Create Demand Microsoft Learning Class Locator Student referral tool Microsoft Learning Campaign Factory Utilize Software Assurance Training Vouchers Priority listing on Microsoft Learning Class Locator Student referral tool Sale Rights to market, advertise and deliver open enrollment classes taught by a MCT using Official Microsoft Learning Products Courseware customization services Access the Courseware Library/Courseware Marketplace Microsoft Learning Sales Academy Participation in the Learning Partner Incentive Program 7.5% MOC discount Eligible for Microsoft account management Eligible for additional incentive options Retain Access Metrics that Matter (MTM) Student evaluation tool and reports Learning Competency partner Newsletter, Web site & RSS Feeds

7 Target Updates Example/drafts
Targets will be calibrated based on the new KPI changes Targets vary by country and will be updated on the Campaign Factory reports Developed Market (ie: United States) Consumption Quality Contribution Silver A 400 130 50 Silver B 600 120 25 Gold A 3000 140 Gold B 200 Emerging Market (ie: Russia) Consumption Quality Contribution Silver A 500 120 100 Silver B 1000 50 110 Gold A 2500 135 200 Gold B 125

8 Enrollment Cadence Partners with enrollment end dates between November 2012 and March 2013 will have the 2012 KPI’s count towards enrollment Partners with enrollment end dates between April 2013 and October 2013 will be measured using the 2013 KPI’s Enrollment Timing KPI Start Timeframe KPI End Timeframe KPI Targets Nov 2012-Dec 2012 Oct 2011 Sept 2012 2012 Targets Jan 2013-Mar 2013 Jan 2012 Dec 2012 Apr 2013-June 2013 April 2012 Mar 2013 2013 Targets July 2013-Oct 2013 July 2012 June 2013 KPI Reporting is available for partners on the Microsoft Learning Campaign Factory website located at

9 Consumption KPIs Elements of Consumption
Total Official Microsoft Learning Product (OMLP) Days purchased Total Courseware Library (CWL) Days purchased Microsoft Certification Exam Purchases (Prometric exam purchases only) Microsoft Official E-Learning Universal Vouchers Reselling Microsoft Official E-Learning Consumption Element  Purchases Consumption KPI Value Microsoft Official Course (MOC) Days 1 Student day * 1 Consumption KPI Digital Microsoft Official Course (DMOC) Days Custom Microsoft Official Course (MOC) Days Custom Microsoft Official Course (MOC) Modules 3 Custom Modules 1 Consumption KPI Courseware Library (CWL) Community Content Consumption KPI varies from .5 – 1 KPI Microsoft Certification Exam Purchases - Prometric 1 Exam Microsoft Official E-Learning Universal Vouchers 1 Vouchers 2 Consumption KPIs Microsoft Official E-Learning Reseller IW Collection 8 Collections Microsoft Official E-Learning Reseller Tech Collection 1 Collection 2.5 Consumption KPIs Microsoft Official E-Learning Reseller IW Course 15 Courses Microsoft Official E-Learning Reseller Tech Course 2 Courses Microsoft Official E-Learning Reseller IW Library 1 Library Microsoft Official E-Learning Reseller Tech Library 7 Consumption KPIs

10 % of Overall NSAT Score earned for KPIs
Quality KPI Elements of Quality Overall NSAT Rating ((Very Satisfied Customers – Very Dissatisfied Customers - Dissatisfied Customers +100) Ratio of MTM surveys to units purchased (MOC, DMOC & Community Courses) Units to MTM Ratio % of Overall NSAT Score earned for KPIs > 75% 100% 74% - 50% 90% 49% - 25% 80% < 25% 0% Example 1: Company A purchased 100 units of MOC, 70 MTM student surveys have been submitted and their an Overall NSAT score of 150. Quality KPI points earned = 90% of their Overall NSAT score (150) or 135 Quality KPI points Example 2: Company B purchased 10,000 units of MOC, 2000 MTM student surveys have been submitted and their Overall NSAT score is 190. Quality KPI points earned = 0% of their Overall NSAT score (2000/10,000 = 20%) or 0 KPIS Note: Quality KPI points are based on 4 complete quarters of data and are calculated at the Organization Level only.

11 Contribution KPIs Elements of Contribution NEW: Tech Showcase
Prometric exam delivery Certiport exam delivery Contribution Area Contribution KPI Tech Showcase ≤25 attendees 20 KPI Points per event ≥26 attendees 50 KPI points per event Prometric Exams Delivered 1 exam delivered 1 contribution KPI Certiport Exam Delivered Note: KPI points for Tech Showcase events will only be awarded for events that Learning Partners close out and confirm the final number of attendees. Points will not be awarded for registered events and estimated attendees.

12 2013 Enrollment Checklist Requirements Partner Action
Enrollment Timing New FY13 Requirements begin November 1, 2012 Know your enrollment end date (Anniversary) and start early – You can re-enroll 90 days before your Anniversary date. Manage your profile in the Partner Membership Center. MCT Requirements 2 MCTs per Silver-level org 4 Unique MCTs per Gold-level org Ensure your organization meets requirements at organizational level Customer References 3 customer references for Silver 5 customer references for Gold Or Metrics that Matter Sign up and use Metrics that Matter KPI Requirements Partners must meet KPI targets prior to enrollment anniversary date. KPI’s are measured on 4 complete rolling quarters Check your KPI’s on Campaign Factory to ensure your organization is meeting requirements in time for your re-enrollment

13 Program Milestones November 2012 2013 enrollment begins
New 2013 KPI changes implemented 2012 targets apply for enrollment KPI timeframe (Oct 2011-Sept 2012) December 2012 January-March 2013 New 2013 Targets announced / 2013 KPI reports available on C.F KPI timeframe (Jan 2012-Dec 2012) April - June 2013 New 2013 KPI targets apply for enrollment KPI timeframe (Apr 2012-Mar 2013 July 2013 KPI timeframe (July 2012-June 2013 2013 WPC

14 KPI Reporting and Help for Partners
Regional Service Centers (RSCs) are the frontline support for Learning Partners. RSC’s can assist with requirements, partner benefits, managing a partner account, Learning KPI inquiries and general questions They can even access Partner reports from Campaign Factory For KPI discrepancies, Learning Partners should be prepared to provide documentation to troubleshoot Courseware invoices Exam invoices Test center IDs MTM Overall NSAT report Find your local Regional Service Center Campaign Factory reports are updated by the 25th of the month All partner escalations that come to the field should be submitted through the GetHelp tool.

15 Program Resources for Partners
Learn more about the Learning Competency benefits and requirements on the MPN Partner Portal: Visit Campaign Factory for marketing materials, to learn about the latest campaigns, request Windows Azure 30-Day passes, program benefits and more: Monitor your KPIs on Campaign Factory Use Metrics that Matter Manage your MPN Partner Profile:


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